Imaginary Players
Imaginary Players
What did we miss?
The Imaginary Players are back with Episode 193 after a long hiatus. The fellas start by addressing their long absence(10:50), Congratulating the NY Liberty(16:18), Speaking on the creative space(23:52), Tommy Richman(41:41), Drake vs Kendrick vs J.Cole(50:05), BET Hip Hop Awards(1:30:40), Love is Blind DC recap(1:38:30)
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This platform and every episode for the rest of time is dedicated to the memory of our founder and leader Tyler Orin Mckenzie Aka T-Mac
You know, dro, as we've been taking this time off.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I have been wondering things that I don't know if they are Insensitive or not.
Speaker 2:Insensitive or not.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so as we were on this long break I don't know how long it's been A couple months, probably been a year. I don't know how long it's been A couple months, probably been a year. I don't remember the last time I recorded.
Speaker 2:I mean, we can easily check Instagram.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, I wanted to know, like, how you like what is like. Your parade hands my parade hands. Because all I've been thinking about is like because, as I stalk your Instagram to see what the fuck you're doing, I'd be thinking like yo how does Dre go to? I mean Dre, excuse me, go to the Puerto Rican Day Parade.
Speaker 2:I never went to the Puerto Rican Day. Parade. I thought I saw you the Latinx Parade. The Latinx Parade is crazy.
Speaker 1:The Venezuelan Parade.
Speaker 2:No, September was Hispanic Month. Shout out to my Hispanics, Alright nigga I no. September was Hispanic month. Shout out to my Hispanics I'm cool, whatever.
Speaker 1:But my parade hands, what you doing? Because like Caribbean, they like like even niggas. I mean, yeah, caribbean's been crazy, no, but like we like shake our hips and throw the flags in the air like this, Like what do y'all do? Do the same thing. You do that Everyone does that?
Speaker 2:No, you. I want to know what you do.
Speaker 1:I want to know what you do when you go to Puerto Rican Day Parade.
Speaker 2:I'm going to wear the body hat or some type of flag or something like that. The Puerto Rican flag. I will probably fall in a van.
Speaker 1:We have an urban audience. I hope you don't. I hate that word.
Speaker 2:We have an urban audience. Obviously I hope you don't, I hate that word. What we have an urban audience, I'll wear it. I mean, you don't have to be from the country to not celebrate it regardless.
Speaker 1:I know, I know, I know.
Speaker 2:Spanish heritage, you know, there's a bunch of niggas out there, that's Shit At the parade.
Speaker 1:I want to know your parade back, because I know you be at the parade. I know you don't want to tell me this. I don't be at the parades. I saw you. What parade I saw you what?
Speaker 2:parade Yo? The fact yo honestly the fact that whenever I post anything legit, the first view is either like one of those fake IG pages, one of the sex pages, or is John? Yeah, I'm watching, and it's like damn bro, like I just posted. I'm watching and I probably made a typo and John already watched.
Speaker 1:I think I'm subscribed to your page. Pause, that's insane. Yeah, that's my thing.
Speaker 2:But no, back to the topic.
Speaker 1:Shit. I just want to know what you do in your element that I'm not at Because. I'm not going to break it.
Speaker 2:Probably drink a little bit, a little Nutcracker, a little Nemo probably.
Speaker 1:Drinking a Nutcracker while shaking your hips? No, shaking my hips is crazy.
Speaker 2:I'm not shaking my hips, be comfortable with yourself. Or ice cup, a little, you know Casamigos, a little bit of D'Uce, probably some iced tea, lemonade, something like that. It's not a.
Speaker 1:Corona, never mind. Huh, it's not a Corona. Never mind, never mind. I can't say that. I can't say that. I can't, I can't say that, I can't even say that I'm not going to cut it out, but I can't say that I literally can't say that we're no.
Speaker 2:Wow, that's crazy I can say it oh yeah that's true, I can say it.
Speaker 1:What's the milky shit? Y'all be drinking the milk. Nah, the shit, you know the shit. That's like Baileys and shit.
Speaker 2:Baileys and shit that y'all Orchata no, but that's not alcohol.
Speaker 3:I don't even know, I don't know, oh, fuck Coquito the girls yeah.
Speaker 2:Coquito, but that's Puerto Rico, the girls be selling that shit like it's weeks. Yo, I'm not going to lie, but I respect it because they hustle.
Speaker 1:I wonder if y'all claim that shit when y'all taxes. That's all I want. I want to see it because I Yo yeah, but they upped the prices, because inflation really fucked up the game.
Speaker 2:now, bro, bro. A bottle used to be like $15, $20. Now shorty's probably asking for like $35.
Speaker 1:You know, in the Coquito prices, like the stock market, is insane Because you got to buy.
Speaker 2:You know holiday season's coming. We're in October, almost Halloween, you know get festive and shit. And you know Thanksgiving, and then it goes straight to the holidays and everyone you know they watch. I give it what today's, what we're recording the 24th the episode will come out tomorrow, 25th. I give you, in two weeks you'll probably see someone selling Coquito already.
Speaker 1:No, I see it. I'm like, oh, Drew must know this girl. No, I ask myself two questions. Why am I following this girl? And does Joe know her? And was Joe at the parade with her? Was that the girl he was at the parade with?
Speaker 2:No, bro, I was just doing me bro, so you were at the parade See, niggas lie so much. I'm lying to protect myself. You.
Speaker 1:Latinx niggas don't know how to tell the truth.
Speaker 2:That's the wrong thing bro Denied denied, denied.
Speaker 1:I seen him at the parade On somebody's story.
Speaker 2:On someone's story.
Speaker 1:I'm watching everything you're doing.
Speaker 2:Whose mutuals we have. That's why I'm on their story.
Speaker 1:I probably used my burner.
Speaker 2:That's insane.
Speaker 1:That is something I'm not going to lie.
Speaker 2:That's insane.
Speaker 1:I got a burner page to watch to catch my friends to lie. That's insane. I got a burner page to watch to catch my friends and things Like that's what I've been doing during the break.
Speaker 2:I had a burner but I deleted it.
Speaker 1:No, I got a burner just to see what y'all are doing when y'all don't want me to see y'all's story. There's certain stories I want you to see, me see, but I'm like, oh you don't want me, to I I got to see that shit.
Speaker 2:I got to see what my brother's doing.
Speaker 1:I got to see what I'm letting them know, just so I can surprise them. What else have I been thinking about during the break? Oh, I've also been thinking about. There are questions that I can't ask women like genuinely without them being offended.
Speaker 2:Questions that you can't ask women.
Speaker 1:So this is why we have podcasts, yeah, and this is why they be telling us to defund microphones, because we're not talking about anything, which is my favorite type of podcast.
Speaker 2:We're not talking about anything, but they blatantly just talk about bullshit yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean like there's some podcasts that are just pure poverty.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Niggas on Twitter keep talking about splitting dates. I'm like, guys, y'all got to get a job.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, Get a job.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I always want to ask this, but I don't know if it's going to offend a certain group of women. You know how girls be. Like yo, I'm a girl's girl.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:What is a guy's girl?
Speaker 2:What's a guy's girl?
Speaker 1:Why does nobody? I was about to catch you, I, I was about to catch you, I just caught myself. I was about to say some shit. What's a guy's girl, and why don't y'all respect them?
Speaker 2:And why y'all don't fuck with them Guy's girl?
Speaker 1:Yeah, what's that? It's not for us to answer because I stay out of women's business. That is a good question, but I do want to ask that what's a guy's girl and what's not? No, no, no, we don't determine what's insulting the girls do. Yeah, we don't determine that.
Speaker 2:I mean, there's been a couple shit on my mind while we were on break and just listening to other podcasts and shit.
Speaker 1:But you know I don't listen to that shit.
Speaker 2:That shit's ass. It's a kill, be you know I'm lying. Something else, so, but you know it's good to be back.
Speaker 1:It is good to be back. Good to be back. I know you guys are expecting a bunch of things that we've missed. I'm going to warn you guys now. No, let's get this Before I even start the intro. Let's get this out the way Exactly. I have nothing else to say. We have nothing else to say. Buff is guilty. He's going to prison, that's it.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to lie. He put Cassie through. Throw him underneath the jail, bro. No one do that to her, bro.
Speaker 1:Politics we are not talking about politics.
Speaker 2:No, get it out. No, we're here to have a good time. Fuck that.
Speaker 1:No, bro, here to time, I do want to say I'm Haitian. We don't eat cats, Very clear. Joe does wine at the Puerto Rican Day Parade. If he said that, I'd be like you know what? My nigga, you got that.
Speaker 2:I had wine at the Puerto Rican Parade. I seen you. Oh, it's not whining.
Speaker 1:Pause. I seen your back profile Pause.
Speaker 2:My back profile. I seen your back.
Speaker 1:I never seen you move like that before. I've never seen that before. Pause, it's pause. I pre-pause Pause.
Speaker 2:I pre-pause.
Speaker 1:I've never seen you move like that. Never seen you move like that.
Speaker 2:I was like this nigga's ass insane I'm like this, nigga getting it. Now when he.
Speaker 1:I was like this nigga shaking his ass. I was like I did not know this nigga.
Speaker 2:No, I was like this nigga's shaking his ass.
Speaker 1:Damn Go bro. I'm in the camera like damn go nigga.
Speaker 2:Yo nah but when they said that comment bro, I was like, nah, this shit is going to go viral, bro. Damn right, a hundred percent and that's exactly what he did. What else are we not talking?
Speaker 1:about here. Drake and Kendrick, we'll talk about it briefly, but you niggas fuck the game up that shit but I don't know we're gonna talk about it it's funny.
Speaker 2:At this point I'm not gonna lie is that okay?
Speaker 1:those are all the things that are off limits for us right now. Yeah, cause we're past it.
Speaker 2:Now we're past it, but hey, we don't got time for this shit. It's just so much into with that at this point.
Speaker 1:Yep. So yeah, here's the intro. This is life, more life, more love.
Speaker 2:This is life, more life is bro. Here we back no big-ass rollout, yes Welcome to episode 193 of the Imagineer Players podcast.
Speaker 1:It's me, the one with the full disclosure, aka Big John from the East Side Boys. You are now listening to the greatest show on Earth Ahead of time. Thank you, guys for liking, subscribing, listening, doing all the beautiful things you guys do every single week, going forward because we've been on a break, forward because we've been on a break. First of all, let's get all this out the way. Derek's not here.
Speaker 2:He'll be popping in whenever he can. You know busy man.
Speaker 1:And we're going to have a rotating slew of guests in my humble abode.
Speaker 2:Some good shit in store.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we got a lot of things coming up, don't worry. Some things coming up, Yep we got a bunch of things coming up. Don't worry, it is the holidays, some things coming up. Yep, we got a bunch of stuff coming up, can't say shit, but you know, yeah, so one, why we've been going for so long? There is no specific answer. Basically, there is no long-winded, specific answer.
Speaker 2:Like I appreciate, like at the party I remember a couple people asked and honestly I was just like yo let me get a mimosa real quick. And yeah, there's no honestly reason why it just happens. Life happens, that's what I see. But I mean, listen, we're back. Not many can say that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, 193 episodes is an accomplishment.
Speaker 2:It's insane. It's like shit. I remember when I came on 100. 100, yep, and we're at 93 episodes later, like it's insane, bro.
Speaker 1:We potted through COVID, we potted through all bunch of shit. Shit bro. You know I yeah, there's no great reason. I definitely needed to make sure to prepare for the things that we had going on and still have coming up. Take some time to prepare, to make sure it's done properly. So when you guys are seeing now a slew of announcements coming on, y'all know what's up.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:All right. So thank you guys for rocking with us, thank you guys for listening this morning. Much love, much appreciated. Like I said, we will have a new guest rotating in and out of here. Right now it's me and my Latinx brother, dro. That's the proper term, right, it's not?
Speaker 2:Yo, I'm not going to lie. When that turn came out, bro, I honestly was like yo, I'd rather be called. Yeah, because not, bro what? I think Gen Z started rolling with that Because it wasn't us millennials, Nigga, they don't cancel me.
Speaker 1:I don't know shit, I don't know what that means, Bro.
Speaker 2:Once I heard that, I was like I'm not going to lie, I'd rather be called a racial slur than that, bro, or something like that.
Speaker 1:It's your own people, buddy.
Speaker 2:But yeah, all right, we're here.
Speaker 1:Anything else we got to get to before we get to the actual topics of anything we're missing. Damn, we can't say that. Okay Also, yes, both new jobs, yeah, so that's an adjustment. Yeah yeah yeah. Our schedules have changed.
Speaker 2:Very Drastically. I'm driving now. Oh, Jess drove, Legally at least Dro drives legally now.
Speaker 1:Yes, like his own car, not no type of public transportation. I don't like that you niggas is racist. Stop, stop you niggas is racist.
Speaker 2:Trade in the Metro car for the keys, keys man. Finally.
Speaker 1:One day I seen him because we've been hanging out outside of not podcasting I don't really have no excuse, I'm like we'll be hanging out. We don't record, but um.
Speaker 2:It's like motherfucker, you want me to bring the camera equipment into the bar. Yeah, that's crazy Like come on bro.
Speaker 1:Joe pulled up in his car. I said oh shit.
Speaker 2:That's why he got to the parade so fast.
Speaker 1:I was like this nigga moved, this nigga got to the parade fast, whatever.
Speaker 2:I never went to the parade. So yeah, but no, a lot has changed for the better, thankfully. You know always blessed for a lot of things and you know a couple occurrences and stuff and events, but it makes everyone better Learn from it.
Speaker 1:And just got to keep on moving.
Speaker 2:You know, everyone who has been on the pod has helped us grow, not everybody Like some niggas Like at least part of it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like some of you niggas I never want to talk to again. I wouldn't say all that no there's like, at least like one person.
Speaker 2:Like I'll never talk to this person again. But besides that, we're good, we're straight, but yeah, definitely appreciate it. A lot has changed and it's good to grow. Never stay stagnant. It's not good, but yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, not much has changed. Guys, I have no intention of coming here and being serious, so if that's what you're looking for, please go listen somewhere. I don't have time. I don't give a fuck.
Speaker 2:You know, that's one thing I was thinking. I was like, I was thinking I was like yo, bro, when we do come back, what if we change just a little bit of things? And then I was like, then it just debacles the whole formula because the chaos is funny, and I don't even think we're that bad.
Speaker 1:I just think I just don't care, and I've also spent this time listening to podcasts that don't have like subjects. Yeah it's like just a fucking PS5 or Xbox party they're just like talking about anything I really can enjoy the podcast that really don't talk about like the podcast. I think they have some responsibility to talk about. We're going to talk about this word, I guess the culture. I hate that word. I don't know what that word means anymore the culture. But yeah, let's just kick it. Have a good time.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:But I mean, we would not do our due diligence if we didn't get to a bunch of shit that we missed while we were out, that the whole world has been talking about, and y'all probably don't give a fuck, the fuck about our opinion about it. But why not, of course, dron, where we at man, what do you got? What have we missed in this long period of time that we haven't been recording?
Speaker 2:Shit If I'm talking about the topics that we can't talk about.
Speaker 1:We can talk about anything. I will navigate this.
Speaker 2:NDA, I'll navigate this NDA.
Speaker 1:I'll navigate this NDA. Well, I mean like in recent or just in In general, whatever you got, look on that sheet TA. Anything you're looking at, we're like all right, what do you want to start with?
Speaker 2:Shout to Liberty.
Speaker 1:Shout to yes, I never went to a game but I showed support.
Speaker 2:That is insane. I showed support how, by betting on them, you don't support women. No, I do. I do 100%. I tuned in.
Speaker 1:You bet on both teams. You don't support the Liberty.
Speaker 2:I didn't you bet on both teams? I did not bet on Minnesota. You bet on both teams. I bet on the Liberty Right. Shouts to them the parade. Yeah, they went crazy. I can't front the whole story behind them is insane. I did my Googles and I'm like yo. I forgot the owner is the wife of the Nets owner. There you go.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And I was just like damn, I did not know that you know honestly, that game made me realize I'm down with fixing games. If it benefits me, If it benefits the game, if it benefits you or in general, I mean both.
Speaker 1:Right If it benefits like the litness of the championship. I'm down. Because I'm a, I'm at. We're Yankees fans. Yeah, we are. I'm a Laker fan. Works out for me Liberty. I mean I'm in New York Knicks, right.
Speaker 2:Any of those teams win a championship because they fix it.
Speaker 2:I'm cool, I mean Like I have absolutely no problem with that it makes shit more interesting, like because I heard some conspiracy shit and it was like you know, last year's World Series was kind of eh, so they wanted two big teams like New York and the Dodgers to battle basically the battle of the cities, and they wanted it to just up the ratings, up the money, all that stuff which, I'm not going to lie, I don't believe in it, but it kind of makes sense. I'm down. That's two big-ass cash cows. I'm down.
Speaker 1:Why not?
Speaker 2:I'm down, I'm down and it's just fun, because I'm not going front. Like, yeah, everyone wanted a Subway World Series, which is cool, don't get me wrong. But bro, it's two big-ass cities Like this is insane. Like no one could buy a fucking ticket because the ticket prices are like rent. So everyone's hitting the bars and shit. So that's more income to the bars and that's just money being swung around everywhere. Everyone's going to make bread one way or another.
Speaker 1:Listen, I'm down with the fixing. There's no ref in the world that should have called that foul in the Liberty game, because if you know what time it is, like yo bro, let's tie this shit up and let's get another quarter in this thing and give the Liberty a chance to win.
Speaker 1:I'm down. I was like lit, let's do it. Review not going to help shit. Fuck that review. Nigga, we didn't see shit Foul. I'm down. Yeah, fix it. Hey, I'm here for the litness. I didn't want to. I'm sorry, shout out to Minnesota, but I'm not the Minnesota parade, ain't lit yeah.
Speaker 1:Because I mean no one you know. No hate towards anyone, knows anyone in Minnesota, I don't care, but it's Minnesota, it's like Yo. So shout out to Jeff Teague on the 520 podcast. Mm-hmm Podcast helps us do all the time. He was talking about when he won the championship in Milwaukee. They didn't even have an after party. He was like yo niggas just went home. What Niggas won a chip and I'm going to kick it with my family. What I mean? I don't have a family at that point.
Speaker 2:I win a championship. I'm going crazy. I'm going to Puerto Rican Day Parade. I'm turning into my pops. I'm leaving, I'm out nigga. I'm out nigga Pass the jeans on. I'm a Rolling Stone like you, nigga. I'm going to the store.
Speaker 1:Never coming back, child of my pop.
Speaker 2:we good, but yeah, like you know what I'm saying Like never, Nah, yeah, you gotta bug out. You gotta bug out bro.
Speaker 1:You won a championship, like certain cities. I'm sorry, like we don't want to see y'all win championships.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It serves no purpose, because it's just like Grass.
Speaker 1:Want to be Starbucks and shit like that. Yeah, I'm definitely 100% like down for fixing, like I. Let's get a Knicks championship.
Speaker 2:Let's get a Lakers championship this year, joey the Knicks Last year, I honestly thought we could have done something. I can't front.
Speaker 1:No, I mean the team's really good, Even though we didn't look good game one yeah.
Speaker 2:No game. One was crazy, my Lakers looked good game one. Yeah, brony, yo yo dick joke Fandu. Yeah, you hating ass niggas. Fandu is lucky they didn't put the props up, because I would have thrown the whole.
Speaker 1:Nah, they did. It was like half a point Niggas lost.
Speaker 2:They did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was like half a point.
Speaker 2:Damn, I didn't see it, but I would have thrown my car on that bro.
Speaker 1:You hate and ass niggas.
Speaker 2:But yeah, it went crazy. You go to Twitter and just everywhere it's like, oh, how he score a point. It's like yo, bro, he's still a kid, bro, you hate and ass niggas.
Speaker 1:The 55th pick in the NBA draft has never done a goddamn thing in the NBA. Leave the kid alone. Yeah, let LeBron do what he does. Let the Lakers conduct their business as they should. You niggas pay so much attention to this shit.
Speaker 2:The kid almost died that's a fact, bro and for him to be playing on a professional level, that's insane.
Speaker 1:I don't care how the fuck he got there.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't care.
Speaker 2:And a lot of people like hate the nepotism yeah nepotism whatever, and it's just like yo, he's still putting in the hard work. Bro, he went to fucking.
Speaker 1:USC. I don't care if he didn't, I don't care if he never. He was ass. Leave it the fuck alone. You niggas out there can't get a regular job. Yeah, that's a fact. If I can get my kid to the NBA because I'm good, I'm fucking doing it.
Speaker 2:That's insane, bro. Fuck you niggas. It was so fire seeing that, like before the game started, and seeing Ken Griffey Jr and Sr with LeBron and Brony, it's like yo, bro, this has never happened before, besides in baseball. Like this is a once-in-a-generational type of thing, like God knows when another father-son duo That'll probably never happen again Like it's insane It'll probably never happen again, bro, like Bron in his prime and Bronny coming up. That's insane, bro.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it'll probably never happen. I can't hate on that. I don't care if he never plays an NBA game again. Mission done, yeah, cool. Now let's go get a ring, which is cool. Let's go dope. I came from, so, um, anything else to shout out?
Speaker 2:um, shout out lebron. Shout out to liberty. Um, anything else shout out to. I mean, this is kind of a whole season later, but shout out to everyone who went to the party. Oh yeah, shout out to all you guys have supported us all summer yes, because I know we've been a bit dormant, but it's not like we don't care or show you know, appreciate.
Speaker 1:I think he said dormant, his girl is listening. Oh shit, the girl at the parade was listening.
Speaker 2:No, there is no girl at the parade.
Speaker 1:She had a Mickey.
Speaker 2:Mouse tattoo on her left shoulder. Nah, Mickey Mouse tattoo on her left shoulder is insane.
Speaker 1:But, yeah, shout out to everybody that supported us this summer, us this summer. Being able to do this, being able to fill out a space, regardless of the main entity of this thing this podcast, not necessarily being as consistent as we would love it to be is amazing, so I want to thank you guys. Thank you guys for supporting our latest clothing drop. It's something that really took a long time. It took a lot of effort. Be on the lookout for a lot of beautiful things coming soon. We're going to see you guys during the holidays. Yeah, that is also something we want to put out there.
Speaker 2:We want to show love. We want to show love. For sure, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about y'all, even though we kind of did, yeah, we kind of did Not a lot.
Speaker 1:What else? Do we Anything else you want to shout out? Highlight? I want to highlight all the people that are still like creating out here. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because I know a lot of you niggas quit because it's hard and that's okay, that's okay, that's fine. But I do want to say that and this is more so like an appreciation to say that, and this is more so like an appreciation to everyone that's been in this space. We know how difficult it is to do something every single week at the same time and then be consistent how it releases Quality. With the influx of podcasts and where you're able to just buy a microphone and talk, we saw this big podcast boom and then we also saw the decrease in money in podcasting. So now everybody got to find a way. Of course, everybody got to find a way because at some point you get natural fatigue just doing some shit and you're like, oh, I'm not seeing any money for real. Whatever the case may be, shout out to the owner of a podcast that probably never see money, they're just doing it.
Speaker 1:They're just doing it for the love, because you love to do it and you hope that it's going to hit, and you find other streams of revenue, us being able to do different things. It's not, I would always say, it's not about the revenue, it's just that we really love to do it, of course, and that just gives us the ability to continue to do it.
Speaker 2:I also think it's once because you said it, you have said it before multiple times where once it starts to feel like a job, it just doesn't really feel right and I think probably I mean obviously, I don't know everyone else's situation, but it's probably either revenue coming in or out too much, or just it's starting to feel like damn, we got to really go to the spot, go to the studio, record this oh how much you putting down. I did last week, you got to do this week. It's hard, it's a lot, but I don't know, from 100 to now, it's been amazing, honestly.
Speaker 1:No, you don't got to lie, tell me. I want to hear about the time you've been fatigued here.
Speaker 2:Fatigued. No, it's okay, say it, I don't care, I won't take it personal.
Speaker 1:Be like yo. I was tired of this shit at some point.
Speaker 2:Shit bro, before driving up Camp Front when we used to record in Walters oh yeah, bro, that shit used to be two hours away and I mean I was working, but like back then, it was different jobs and shit. Yeah, the bag is different now so yeah, it was more afternoon type shit.
Speaker 1:The IRS is listening my bad.
Speaker 2:That's insane.
Speaker 1:My bad my bad, my bad, Just putting that out there. The IRS is listening.
Speaker 2:My bad, my bad, but nah, yeah, like there was some nights where it was like shit, bro, I'm getting home at like 1, 2, 3 in the morning, Hell yeah, and still having to edit to have it kind of done before Monday dropped for the video.
Speaker 2:Hell yeah, that's fair. That's fair and thankfully, god bless, nothing has ever happened, because I'm carrying my equipment and shit and it's just like yo, bro, this is New York, come on. Oh yeah, so anything could have happened, but thankfully nothing has ever happened. Knock on wood, but yeah, those type of nights.
Speaker 1:Nigga, that's Marbles. I'm lying, I don't know.
Speaker 2:But around that time and if not, when I first around the first 20 episodes when I came on, I was like when I first around the first 20 episodes when I came on, I was like, damn son, like this is really a thing, like this is going to be a weekly thing and I probably 10% I'll keep it on, probably 10% wanted me to tell you I might have to back out of this. Yeah, yeah, but I'm like that nigga's on the phone.
Speaker 2:Never mind, never mind, man, never mind. But I'm like you know I got to do it because, like listen, I had bought some equipment. I wanted to get into more of the video and all that stuff like that. And you just grow like progressively, little by little, like I wasn't as creative when it came to video shit you know, as opposed to before. Now you know I know a bit more, not saying I know all of it, obviously, but you learn every single day and since then it's been amazing. So yeah, around the first 20 episodes when I started coming to the podcast, and around when we used to shoot at Walters like that shit was tough, bro, like on train and bus after like fucking what we would try to set for a certain time, and just you know certain things Like love Walt.
Speaker 2:That shit would never Love Walt, love Walt, I love you, bro. But Walt would tell us, like, be at the crib, and then he'll go do errands. Nigga would not be at the crib and he wouldn't be at the crib until like an hour later and then we would just. But I mean, it happens, it's life, you know. I just look back on it, I just laugh because it's like, damn bro, like I was really I was trooping that shit. I was really trooping it and I wouldn't change anything about it.
Speaker 1:I can't front no, yeah, and also like, uh, because, like I, I like hearing that, because it kind of shows where we've gone right I uh even want to bring it back right and before I even go there, I also want to bring it back right. And before I even go there, I also want to say, obviously, none of this is possible without Tyler McKenzie. Rest in peace, my brother, the owner and the starter of this podcast. Rest in peace, tyler. Thank you for giving me this voice to keep this thing going, and I also want to appreciate everybody that's been here, because it's not only my podcast, it's Tyler's podcast. I was talking to Joe about this last week, about how our vision of how this thing is supposed to go, and Joe was like you know, now I get it a little different how this thing is supposed to go and the things we're going to do going forward. It's a lot more intentional.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So that's very important. But I was saying like there would be times like Tyler worked for the Nets at the time.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And we were recording at his place in East Long Island, but Tyler was taking a train home.
Speaker 2:Long Island where bro?
Speaker 1:Yeah, but that from the Barclays to East Long Island you're talking about two and a half hours, damn we wouldn't start recording until fucking 10 o'clock.
Speaker 1:And then we're getting home at 1, 2 in the morning and everybody's getting up going back to work. That was so fun. I don't know, maybe I'm a psychopath. That shit was so fun because you're just like, wow, and we could say so much, so we could do so much more detrimental things on the microphone at that point, paul, we could say so much awful shit back then. But now obviously it's like oh, you got to find a way to be funny without being insulting whatever that stupid shit means. Yeah, society and shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah so it's the landscape. I'm watching the landscape change. I'm watching how people make money off podcasting change, because then you had the I always say, like the Deal Button Podcast Spotify deal. That changed people's approach to podcasting. Of course, Maybe, not for the, I wouldn't say for the better because, everybody was podcasting to get a deal at that point. Exactly so. I think that caused a lot of podcast breakups.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was like a digital gold rush.
Speaker 1:We ain't making no money. I'm like nigga duh.
Speaker 2:It's entertainment. You know how hard it is to make money in entertainment Exactly.
Speaker 1:So niggas find over a hundred bucks. My god, it's like come on, like dude, do the podcast. I hope it pops. If it doesn't, you lose no money, bro, like.
Speaker 1:Anyway, anyway, I go on this field to say, as we come back and we try to do this thing weekly, um, I'm reflecting on how a lot of y'all niggas quit and that's okay. But I'm saying like, if you have something to say and it's of value and you think it can help someone whether it be comedy, whether it be, I don't know there's a podcast about everything. Now do the shit, buy your own microphones, get a nice little set, put some effort into it where it doesn't really hurt you so much and that you're really enjoying it. Yeah, because this, I always say, has always been a therapeutic thing for me Doing this, laughing with my friends. It's beautiful, and I don't know, and you know a lot of the reason me coming back is like damn, I really miss just talking about nothing. And having this outlet we work 12 hours a day, we gotta travel for all these things. It having this outlet we work 12 hours a day, we got to travel for all this thing.
Speaker 2:So it's like it's an outlet. It's an outlet to. It's a I don't know like an escape in a way, cause everyone you know everyone deals with their own shit. Everyone wears a mask. Yeah, but coming here just with your you know, close, close friends and shit, yeah, talking about you know life situations or just like banter. But like you know, like organized banter not? No fucking shit you guys, other people do.
Speaker 1:But it's nice, some of you niggas out there. But anyway, I always say, like I say, treat it like a job, but don't let it feel like a job, like treat it as a hey. We're trying to get this here on time so everybody can get home at a reasonable time, so life isn't too fluctuated by it. But you know, once it starts to feel like a wait, I will tell y'all, the audience I'm cool, like I'm cool. You know what I mean. So I think we have the same sentiment. We talked about this once again in our private meetup last week that, um, we feel very light right now, like things are very scheduled in life right now.
Speaker 1:somewhat, I have a chaotic schedule, but mine is organized chaos I feel like we're in the best place to not only like do this thing full force, creatively, but provide a good experience. Yeah, financially right, I think like we can, like, hey, we can get some shit done. Of course, you know I think we're in a good space there on our end. So, yeah, I want to give my Puerto Rican brother some flowers. Bro, that nigga went through a lot of shit before he got a car. Being here every well, this is a little bit easier, right? What? Being this part of town?
Speaker 2:Yeah, because where I live yo like it's a 40, well before driving and shit, it was like a 40 minute train ride because yo shout out to the Metro North. That's probably the only thing they actually do right.
Speaker 1:They didn't get my whole address away. Holy shit, I didn't say the actual address. I'll bleep it out. I wish y'all would come here. Y'all know this.
Speaker 2:But yeah, bro, 40 minutes compared to two hours. Yeah, Y'all get on the fucking train and it's like at least an hour and a half going and then coming back is two hours to two and a half hours. That shit is crazy, it's insane.
Speaker 2:And then get home and then still edit and everything Just cause for the love Cause, like I was learning and I'm like I would rewatch the episode. I would re-watch the episode, which makes it even funny because every episode I re-watch, because I just had to re-watch it, edit and shit. And it's just funny because it's one thing being behind the camera whereas as opposed to now I'm in front of the camera and you know I appreciate it. Like you know, before I probably wanted to, but I was just more comfortable behind. But actually being in front and re-watching episodes now I know it's going to be a bit more, I don't know, like full circle in a way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man Listen. I mean, we have so many transitions. Oh, dro getting a microphone. Okay cool. Now Dro's on camera and I will say Dro is actually now our I would say the brand's full-time producer. That's insane's full-time producer. That's insane Full-time producer. I'm not going to tell you all the business of what's going on. Of course, Joe is really involved in this thing and I want to thank you for taking that on and being so open to being the boss. So you know what.
Speaker 2:I'm saying it's a thankless job, but it's cool because, like you know, I knew Tyler. Probably I met him twice, once or two times but he had this type of God I hate using the word, but this aura yeah for sure, and it was just, he would just make you feel happy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man, and like I barely knew him, but the few moments that we talked was just like damn, like you don't I don't know, being from New York, you can kind of pick on people's bullshit, yeah, and you see the right from wrong from people and you just like the first few moments of when I was talking to Tyler years back before his passing, I realized like this guy is genuinely nice, like he's just man, funny and just nice.
Speaker 2:He's a legend, you feel me so for me now taking on I guess you could say producer or just anything like that I just want to keep his message and just his goal alive with John and Derek or whoever other guests that we have going forward, because honestly, it's all. It all goes back to Tyler. Yeah, for sure.
Speaker 1:So I just did um, no, when I do it, probably last month it hasn't come out yet, but I did a uh shout out. I don't know skip, I hope he ain't mad but um, I did Skip's podcast. You know, I did Skip's podcast Shout out to Cove Alpha and you know his whole team, and then that was really the first time I think I told our story out loud. Okay, like from like my teenage years to like adult, and I got really emotional, really, yeah, I cried. I really didn't think that was going to happen. I was like a blubbering idiot, but, like you know, when I think about it, man, we've come so far. We have so much stuff to do. There's a lot to look back on.
Speaker 1:If this never goes to the places that people would expect it to go, that's okay, because I'm having a blast. Yeah, I'm having a good time.
Speaker 1:This time, man, it's this, this shit is because, honestly, who can say like yo I'm on a podcast and like, obviously you know 193 episodes. We've sold out concert halls, we've sold clothes all over the world, which is insane? Um, like I am, we both have a probably a vast media. Um, how can I say this? Like we can tap into places in media that people probably can't at this point.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we've accomplished a lot. Every member, past or present, has some type of web of communication and connections and stuff. It's insane how much we all can tap into things. But it's amazing, honestly, bro, I know the whole. Oh God, you're on a podcast, like type of thing gets a bad rep, but Only the girls be saying that the girls be like yo, take my phone away from me and y'all be right.
Speaker 1:They be right, you be right, even sometimes us. I'm like oh, why did I say that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't care, but like whenever they. Because sometimes they'll ask like yo, what's that link on your profile or the imaginary player's IG link? And I'm like, oh, yeah, it's a podcast. And they're like, oh, you're on a podcast. I'm like don't do that, because I'm not airing you out with your wannabe fucking. Like, oh, I can't even get. Oh, I might even go there.
Speaker 1:But I'm not airing you out. She's so kooky though. I know. Yeah, I know, I know. So it's just like you know it's amazing, I can't front.
Speaker 2:It's amazing. Having an outlet to talk about certain shit is amazing.
Speaker 1:Like you know, being able to do where we're not going into. We ain't going into debt doing this Because we have built up this studio space for years, at this point Today, Dro showed me the monitor. I'm like damn, this looks good right now, this looks great.
Speaker 2:Insane.
Speaker 1:So I'm like, oh, this looks great. We've gotten to this point where we don't got to go anywhere.
Speaker 2:Well.
Speaker 1:Dro, does I live here?
Speaker 2:so jesus christ so I got a pity electric, so it's all right.
Speaker 1:But anyway, uh, yeah, so yeah, that's our little podcast spiel. Man, I just want to show my appreciation for dro and derrick and everybody. Ray um la don kojo rain and all these people that have just helped this thing become Everybody. Ray LA Don Kojo Ray, all these people that have just helped this thing become just a large space. Anybody that's coming to the parties, anybody that's supported, anybody that's reposting, anybody that's bought anything, commented anything.
Speaker 2:The.
Speaker 1:Kenzie family. That lets us continue to do the tournament and the parties in. Ty's name. Thank you guys. Before we get into just a bunch of nothing, I just want to make sure you guys feel appreciated and heard and you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:I know I'm missing some people. I apologize for that. Well, everybody that's just helped us get to this point that we are just in a great place right now and we have so many opportunities in front of us now. I don't even think I'm where I work. I'm working at it. This podcast doesn't exist. There's that man.
Speaker 2:There's that.
Speaker 1:I think we've waited long. Have we waited long enough? To get to the things that. No, fuck that, I'm making them wait. Fuck that We'll get into our music culture. I hate that word. Now I'm going to tell you why. Oh, my fucking goodness, and we'll get into that. I want to start with. I want to have a Tommy Richmond conversation for a very long time.
Speaker 2:Now I'm trying to think is it going to be where? Because he's not a one-hit wonder. No, no, no.
Speaker 1:But I don't know. At first it was a fuck, you niggas leave Tom Richmond alone. Then it was like oh, niggas is right Like I have a love-hate relationship with whatever Tom Richmond's got going on, hmm. So Million Dollar Baby. I'll start with there. I don't want everything to turn into a story, but Million Dollar Baby got on my radar, I would assume. I hate to be like a music elitist a little bit earlier than everybody else. I heard that. Before we all heard the snippet. Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then I start asking questions, doing this a little bit more research, like who's this? Who the fuck is this guy in this snippet, million Dollar Baby? I'm like, oh, oh, yeah, he's cool, great. When I hear Million Dollar Baby, I think it's the greatest song I've ever heard in my life.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to lie. I titled it Song of the Summer, but it wasn't Song of the Summer, I mean yeah, it wasn't. We know it.
Speaker 1:And we're going to get to that. So Million Dollar Baby. I hear it, I'm like, oh, this is the greatest song I've ever heard in my entire life. But for some reason people got fatigued really fast of the record. I don't know.
Speaker 2:It can't be radio play.
Speaker 1:I don't know what happened, because I would go out wanting to hear the record and then I'm going to these places that are popular.
Speaker 2:But they wouldn't play it.
Speaker 1:When they played it.
Speaker 1:It'd be a quick hit and then people would look around like what the fuck is this? But I felt like this is when I started to understand not started to understand but I'm like, oh, this is like a lot of internet work. There's a lot of internet marketing going on here To push out that, yeah, because you can usually tell the difference very quickly. For me, I'm like, oh, I really like this song and I expect to hear it out when, oh, I really like this song and I expect to hear it out when you don't really hear it hitting the people.
Speaker 2:You start to think differently.
Speaker 1:Oh, something's going on here, but anyway, song comes out. Cool, that second record? Well, no song comes out and a lot of hip-hop media was like get this the fuck out of here.
Speaker 2:Really, yeah, I heard Flex diss the record but Flex has always been a hater. I love Flex. Yeah, Flex is a hater.
Speaker 1:He's a hater. Joe dissed the record which Joe be hating too.
Speaker 2:Yeah. But so I'm like well, this record is great.
Speaker 1:Those are two old heads Right. So I'm like, okay, this record is great. Why don't y'all like this song? Cool, no problem. He drops a second record. I like that one too. It's a banger. I'm like, oh, okay, he's two for two, Amazing. And then he says he starts doing stupid shit. He fucking tweets. And this is where artists, guys, stop being so fucking stupid, Because there are people in the room that just know better.
Speaker 2:They need PR people to just take their phones bro.
Speaker 1:I think this is before this we were thinking about. He tweets I'm not putting Million Dollar Baby on my album.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was. I'm not going to lie In my brain.
Speaker 1:I said wow, this is really really stupid.
Speaker 2:It's like, that's like.
Speaker 1:You're cutting your foot off, yeah. So I'm like okay, and I've talked to labels that have to deal with artists of that nature where you're like there's nothing we can do, this is what he's going to do. He says I'm not putting it on my album. I'm like oh okay, this is dumb business. You need the streams. This is how you recoup money.
Speaker 2:This is what you need to do. Put it on his track. Who gives a fuck Exactly, or Deluxe or something?
Speaker 1:Arrogance and whatever Great, the album comes out. I really like the album. No, is it? Before the album comes out? I don't know, whatever that timeline doesn't matter. Before the album comes out. I don't know, whatever that timeline doesn't matter. The album comes out and then he goes. I'm not a hip-hop artist, oh. And then I said who the fuck asked you nigga? Not nigga, but who asked you man? Who asked you man?
Speaker 2:You was my nigga and I'm like oh my, you're getting out of your mind. Man.
Speaker 1:Yo who asked you man.
Speaker 2:It's like why bro?
Speaker 1:Like just shut up.
Speaker 2:Why? Why did you say that?
Speaker 1:Million Dollar Baby's still spinning. The white clubs like it, the bars like it. Stop it's a hit. Cool Like if you want to say you're not trying to be around niggas, keep it to yourself.
Speaker 1:Basically Just say hey, I don't want to be around niggas, then don't be around niggas, it's fine. We ain't tripping, exactly. We're going to play the record and you're like I don't like niggas, it's fine. Cool, not hip hop. He clarifies. Whatever the case may be he on the West Coast that won't shut up with Elliot Wilson. Them two niggas. He's talking to them two niggas. Great, whatever the case may be. Great. Now fast forward to fucking what. Two weeks ago, the news drops that he submits Million Dollar Baby for like R&B hip hop song of the year.
Speaker 2:R&B.
Speaker 1:Or song of the year or rap song of the year or rap song of the year. One of them shits. And now I'm like okay, because when he said the whole I'm not hip-hop thing, I'm like I get it. Everybody's all hip-hop, niggas saying the song sucks. Niggas ain't fucking with him. Why do I got to be hip-hop?
Speaker 2:Fuck that, just branch out. Yeah, like, fuck it, be my own thing, I can be whatever.
Speaker 1:And then when you hear submitted it, I'm like all right cool.
Speaker 2:Come on, buddy.
Speaker 1:I can't defend you no more, and I really like the nigga album. That's the problem. I really like the album, but it's like I can't defend you no more Now. It's too much Now, because now you're pushing the whole agenda Stand on it, just be like, hey, I'm not hip-hop. That's it. I'm cool, like I'm not. You know what I'm saying. Say I'm not hip-hop, stay away from it. So I don't know. Man, I want to have a time-revisioning conversation, because this is what you don't do as an artist.
Speaker 2:I feel like you.
Speaker 1:If niggas fuck with you, just fuck with niggas and don't say shit Because you're cutting I don't even know.
Speaker 2:You're cutting a whole fan base out.
Speaker 1:Or you're selling yourself short. See how the Weeknd doesn't talk.
Speaker 2:Tommy, just don't talk. I'm trying to think of any other artist that doesn't talk.
Speaker 1:Just don't talk. The music will be fine, just don't talk. Beyonce, beyonce, don't say shit. She don't say shit but niggas can't beat Beyonce, but yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, niggas can't be Beyonce. Yeah, they can't. They can't um Tyler the Creator. He essentially has never actually well, I mean, he didn't do what Tommy did. He didn't ever say he's a rapper or a hip hop artist. He just does whatever the fuck he wants and he's been pretty amazing at it. Every single album since Cherry has been amazing, phenomenal.
Speaker 1:Tyler's not had a bad album. He's never put out a bad album.
Speaker 2:Now I think if he would have said something, it probably I wouldn't say diminished, it probably would have changed a bit about it. But he has the criteria and the work to back it up. Tommy still brand new-ish, because I know he's from Virginia and he does have probably some body work, but it's just like Nobody gave a fuck about that young man before. Basically yeah. Nobody gave a fuck. I think what also helped him was definitely the free marketing of TikTok and IG Reels and stuff like that that shit is never free, buddy.
Speaker 1:I mean listen. So once it catches traction, organically it'll catch traction. But once the label sees that, oh shit, we got one, that's when they start throwing the bread. They're like oh, ok, yeah that's when the money starts going, but that's what I was saying before. I'm like yo, okay, yeah, that's when the money starts going, but that's what I was saying before. I'm like yo, I'm seeing this blow up on the internet, and then when?
Speaker 2:I'm out, I'm like, oh, this doesn't seem to be translating the same way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like, even when it does play, people aren't as excited.
Speaker 2:I'm like oh, Like a filler track.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was like this is odd, okay. Like, okay, there was a lot of. There was a good amount of money put behind this record. That which is smart. Somebody in the studio was like, oh, we caught one. And they that's a talent to hear it Like, oh, we caught one, let's put some money behind this. Still Love Million Dollar Baby. Still really enjoy that album. It's a good album. Was it Coyote? I like his album.
Speaker 1:I know he pretty much said he hates niggas, but that's fine, but it's fine, we get it, but I really like that album he's got to do some collabs.
Speaker 1:That ain't going to happen, nah, and also I don't know what he sounds like with features. I'm cool, I don't know. Yeah, but shout out to him I guess I don't know, but if he wins the Grammy, I ain't mad. If they do it by, I don't know. It can't be Not Like Us. It's not going to be Not Like Us. I don't see that record, the way it's been pushed to not win a lot of awards. Are we there? Are we there?
Speaker 2:now, I was just thinking.
Speaker 1:If we're there, let me refill my cup, Because I've watched for months. What did this happen in June? No, I don't know. I was in DC when push-ups came out. I was in DC when it leaked. I was in DC, that might have been April. No, no, no, definitely wasn't April, I was in DC. I think that might have been. April. No, no, no, definitely wasn't April. I think it was June. I don't know Whenever Push Up came out.
Speaker 2:April, whatever time frame that is.
Speaker 1:Music has never been the same, but I feel like I hate when people do that to me, so I'm not going to do it. Music has never been the same, but I feel like, no, I hate when people do that to me, so I'm not going to do it. When I feel like what people feel about me, I don't want to give my super pretentious music. I think I know everything. Take on things, gotcha. Give me your take of everything that's happened from then to now, from just what the fuck is going on right now, because I don't think we've even had this. Um, because we've never, I don't think we even had this. I've had these conversations, this conversation with, like other people in terms of like the effects of this battle, that people don't understand what's actually going on there's a lot of levels to it.
Speaker 2:um, what I think is from that word to now, it's it showed another side of hip-hop. Yeah, that hasn't been brought up since I I hate to, but like tupac and biggie. Yeah, because I'm trying, I was gonna say kanye and 50 cent, but they didn't go that extensive it. It was never going to get to that point. That point exactly Because what Drake and Kendrick is doing is insane.
Speaker 2:It's honestly on Tupac and Biggie kind of level, but just in modern day age. Yeah, and I believe it's amazing Because in a way, it revived hip hop and rap, because it showed like we can get gritty, we can get nasty and society needs this. I'm sorry, like I maybe it's because I'm a little older, but it's like you know, a lot of shit has changed in society where it's gotten soft served, but this really brought fun back in music because, yes, it does get personal, but that's rap beef. Shit gets personal and I'm a firm believer where shit nothing is off bars. And I think Drake putting out, kendra putting that out and then Drake responding, already having a couple tracks on the tuck, is insane because it just shows like it's premeditated.
Speaker 1:No, this was the most talented display of music back and forth we've ever seen.
Speaker 2:Yes, I don't know if we'll ever see it again Within days too, these were the busiest four to five days of our lives, which is insane because I believe Drake was still touring.
Speaker 1:The day after tour he started, we knew something was coming.
Speaker 2:So it's like he probably had the tracks half made, or so.
Speaker 1:No, he didn't record that shit until after.
Speaker 2:From what I've, heard I don't know shit. So then that's even more because it's like yo, bro, I'm touring and I still have the time to make a whole new track Responding to the shit you just said live, which is insane. I don't before. Obviously you know Derek knows I used to be a Drake hater and shit, but now I've grown to appreciate it because you know he has, even though people say he's a culture vulture. To appreciate because you know he has, even though people say he's a culture vulture. I see it as a challenge because it's like yo, bro, if I can tap into a different genre and go crazy, then why the fuck not? I always tell derek and he thinks it's a joke. I honestly see drake making a country album and going crazy and motherfuckers look at me like bro, you're, you're bugging, I'm like yo. If this motherfucker taps into country or some type of weird-ass genre like that, then he's already one of the greatest of our generation, but he'll even be more solidified there has been a huge urban uptick in country.
Speaker 1:I love the records. Shout out to Shaboosie, shout out to Zay Wilson. These guys like oh, you guys got right.
Speaker 2:And they're hits, bro, they're hits. But it just shows like damn, like we kind of needed this. And I don't think I don't want to take sides because you know, obviously it was back to back bar for bar, but both parties showed exquisite lyricism, feedback, punchlines and just levels to certain shit Because, like you got Kendrick with you know fucking Pulitzer Award and then you have Drake who has been rapping since fucking Wheelchair Jimmy, and it's just like they're going to go bar for bar and it just showed both sides of you know what they can actually do. When people say who you think won, it's kind of tough, you know what they can actually do.
Speaker 2:When people say who do you think won, it's kind of tough honestly now thinking back on it, because obviously at the moment you're like oh no, kendrick's up, he's up by two. Oh no, drake just responded, I saw he's up by one. But now it's kind of tough because in the way battle's still going, even though they haven't dropped anything, and it, even though they haven't dropped anything, and it kind of ended with Kendrick kind of on the uprising, but I don't know, oh man, man, what it should take, because it's been wild, because I'm in a group chat with Derek, obviously, and that's his boy being a Drake fan and everything. But hearing my other two friends in that group chat perspectives and shit like that, it opens the spectrum on that whole conversation. But I always wanted to hear the feedback from you and Derek, at least from you, because you have more of a background in music.
Speaker 1:Listen, I'm obviously a lot closer to this thing than the average human being. Even before I was over where I'm at, I had a lot of friends over in just the camps, in, whatever the case may be, and the thing was, as I'm watching this stuff unfold, I'm watching Drake's mistakes. I'm watching Drake's mistakes. I'm watching him, not understand where the industry has him right now. Yeah, I think people were already in a and that's why I think things are different. Right, people already had a lot of Conceptions on him Drake fatigue, I think.
Speaker 2:Ah, okay.
Speaker 1:And it happens to everybody. It's not Drake I love For All the Dogs. I have the merch from there. For All Dogs is up there, one of my favorite Drake albums, just because of the time. This version of this Drake run that he's had from Certified Loverboy to Honestly Nevermind Her Loss and For All the Dogs this era of Drake I really enjoyed because I'm a little bit older now and I just understand things are different and what he's trying to do, so my appreciation for this era of Drake is different. So I'm watching things unfold and I'm watching him kind of like not take this. You can never take the guy that's really hungry, not serious, and I'm not taking anything away from Kendrick by saying Drake didn't take him seriously, but Drake did not take this battle as serious as Kendrick did.
Speaker 2:Kendrick took this battle as if he was fighting for his life no, yeah, and I mean probably because of the hiatus also, but it's just like Kendrick took this battle as if he was fighting for his life. No, yeah, and I mean probably because of the hiatus also, but it's just like damn.
Speaker 1:I think that the so how things unfold too. It's like this guy Kendrick's really a mad scientist. You get like that Number one record, record, big hit. He sits on it and then drake's done tour, push-ups, leak slash comes out um, push-ups is great. I love that record. Kendrick's like oh fuck this, you know I'm gonna drop tuesday at 2 pm, yeah, and that starts the Kendrick's psychological warfare of I don't have to abide by industry standards.
Speaker 1:And I'm going to say what I can say about the actual inner workings of certain things. But like, if you know anything, if you look at the records, they're all dropped under Interscope. If you know anything about Interscope in the industry, interscope is the. We do things with reckless abandonment.
Speaker 1:We don't give a fuck, we're going to do what we want. Gotcha, that is how they are viewed and people have appreciated that because it's brought so much beauty to music, of course, and we need a lot of rebelliousness, especially in hip hop, to music, of course, and we need a lot of rebelliousness, especially in hip-hop. So, understanding that, oh yeah, do that, fuck it. Who cares? You know? So, randomly on Tuesday, I'm like okay great.
Speaker 1:When I hear Euphoria between that and Family Matters my two favorite songs in a rap beef I'm like, oh, this is going to be tough. I'm home, I get a text. Family Matters comes out Great, cool, the best to me.
Speaker 1:And this is not there's no bias, joe, you tell me if I'm being biased because don't say I'm being biased because obviously Drake's my guy. There's no hesitation there. But Family Matters comes out Probably my favorite rap song of the year. That came out. I'm like, oh, this is impossible to beat. Puts me Graham out, meester Graham's out. Three minutes later, cool, great. And I know if you guys are thinking we're skipping over J Cole's part in this. We'll get to him, we'll go backwards yeah yeah, yeah, Meester Graham.
Speaker 1:Meester Graham comes out. It feels like a neutralizer, but as the day goes, like the same day, as the day goes on, but as the day goes on, I'm not in Kendrick's head, but as Kendrick's sitting with it, he's like oh, some of this information is incorrect. Drake has a large fan base. There is absolutely no way I'm going to win this battle if I let this sit. If I let Meet the Grams sit with Euphoria and push-ups versus Family Matters, you lose. Meet the Grams and Euphoria loses to push-ups versus Family Matters. You lose. Meet the Grams and Euphoria loses to push-ups and Family Matters Clear. If you let it sit, you put out your hit record the same day.
Speaker 1:If he even waited until the next day, it might not have done the same thing Exactly. Put your hit record out within seven hours, and then the rest is kind of history in that battle. But what I would say is what I didn't expect is for the effects of it to last this long, because it's been a it's been almost six months seven months Almost over half a year, and not only that.
Speaker 1:I do think that a lot of the, a lot of the hip hop media has been really irresponsible. And this is kind of what I've been telling people and what I've been getting, what I've wanted to get to, because the beef is the beef. It's over and done with. I know you guys want Drake to be done. I'm going to tell you guys right now he's nowhere near done this. I can confirm Drake ain't done. Drake is fine, kendrick is fine. From both they're fine. And I do appreciate now that Drake is going to stop being friends with everybody. I've always hated that aspect of it. Stop being friends with all these niggas.
Speaker 2:That's a lot too, all you niggas leave the fuck away. It showed, like it basically showed who your real niggas are basically, and he has no one in his corner now.
Speaker 1:Which Well, we'll get to Connickers now. I hate you niggas.
Speaker 2:But it's just like. It shows like, damn like, and I'm pretty sure it probably really awoken him Like it's just really just me, like me and my camp, and maybe even not my camp, maybe just Chubbs and you know, noah and 40 and all of them, but it's just it's like wow, like all right, and I think, if anything, it woke something up in him to like just realize like all right.
Speaker 1:No, he's good, everything is fine on that side. I think I haven't spoken to him but I'm saying like whatever, yeah, but I want to talk about the battle conversation talks about. It goes into like the state of hip-hop. That's been a big conversation lately that hip-hop is just on the decline. Hip-hop is not being valued. I will tell you guys that's true. It's a lot of pop.
Speaker 2:now I can't front.
Speaker 1:It's beyond. I don't think you guys even understand the half of it. The hip-hop budgets are being slashed in half. Facts, that is a fact. The hip-hop budgets are being slashed in half Facts, that is a fact. The hip-hop budgets are not being as valued, and I think Kendrick Lamar did exactly what he was supposed to do. He went and won the battle. That is what you're supposed to do. Drake did what he was supposed to do. This battle ain't it was hit for hit, yeah, this battle ain't no long distance.
Speaker 2:It's like round 10. The public made a choice. Cool, two heavy hitters just going head for head.
Speaker 1:Both of those guys did exactly what they were supposed to do, but unfortunately when you take out the guy at top.
Speaker 1:You need a plan, and what I think I'm not saying that hip hop being pretty much defunded at this point is because of this battle. There was already a downturn in hip-hop sales, hip-hop marketing, hip-hop budgets, but what this battle did was and this is regular economics If the guy at the top of something or if your number one product loses value, your company is going to lose value, your establishment is going to lose value. So and this can change what I would hope is that Kendrick is very front-facing after this, because we are in an era of more music, more in people's faces and you know there's such a demand for it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's doing the Super Bowl and he just did an interview with his homegirl. It's like you know what I'm saying. This is Keep it going because this is what you need to be front-facing, and I would hope that he doesn't just kind of do this and just disappear.
Speaker 1:Well, I know the album's coming and from what I've heard, it's going to be a West Coast-inspired album, which is why that snippet in the front is a very West Coast-based song Gotcha the Brackley snippet and that sounds like it's going to be absolutely amazing. But I do hope, because when he put out the record with the Black Air Forces Watch the Party Die, he said you know, it makes me not want to drop because of all the stuff going on, I'm like, hey, but you have now grabbed this responsibility Exactly.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can't run away from it.
Speaker 1:Don't do that, because when you decided to knock off the top guy and then knock him off in a way where you're saying that he's not one of us, that is detrimental, of course. Well, I don't blame him. Like I said, kendrick, do what he's supposed to do. You stupid niggas in hip-hop media, you fucking idiots that keep saying Drake ain't of the culture and Drake ain't hip-hop. That's not true and you guys should stop saying stupid things like that. That is really stupid and it's irresponsible, because here's the thing Drake has provided for hip-hop for almost two decades and he's only 37 years old.
Speaker 1:So you idiots out there saying that Drake ain't hip-hop, Drake ain't of the culture because he lost a battle, because Kendrick pointed out something or whatever the case may be. That's really stupid. Let Kendrick win his battle, but you kind of adding to a narrative that hurts hip-hop is not smart. That means you're just so invested in getting clicks for the battle that you're not actually doing a service to growing this thing. Drake lost the battle. Let Drake lick his wounds. Let Kendrick do his victory parade. But now you niggas are on some. Drake is not supposed to be here. People say he's a guest. Stop being stupid that is stupid.
Speaker 1:It's irresponsible, and I don't want to go super far and be mad dramatic, but people will lose their jobs if this guy's not at the top.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because it's a whole trickle-down system. Yeah, honestly, thank you. See how you're going to Like if the top car salesman leaves.
Speaker 1:If somebody doesn't take that and continue that money, a lot more people are going to be laid off because we can't afford to do this thing the same way. It's very simple.
Speaker 2:It's like you said economics. It fucking goes back to basic math. It's like a tree branch.
Speaker 1:I think that we are so ingrained in this culture world that and I'm cool, I'm down with it, but there are jobs here. There are kids that went to college, that got a job at this label, that needs this money. I mean, it's bigger than, oh my God.
Speaker 2:I'm just doing this for the From, like the intern who just graduated to like the person who's been at Interscope or whatever.
Speaker 1:It's bigger than the yo. I'm just. You know what I'm saying and I do think I don't know. I think Kendrick did what he was supposed to do and I do think Kendrick actually hates Drake. I think Kendrick hates Drake and I think Kendrick thinks everything he said about Drake.
Speaker 1:I think he thinks that, yeah, he generally hates Drake, but I do think at a point he probably sat back and was like because Kendrick, seems they say he's very detached, oh, he's not the problem there. Oh, he's not the problem, there are bigger problems here. That's how I took that record he put out when everybody was upset that he got the Super Bowl Gotcha. He's like oh no, no, there's a bigger problem here. It's bigger than Drake. When he said I had to walk him down, just to kind of pretty much saying I had to walk him down and teach him a lesson, yeah To me, I took that as hey, like, yes, this happened. There's a bigger monster behind it. But there's something bigger than this.
Speaker 1:And I think at first he thought Drake was the problem with the industry. He's like oh, you're everything I don't want to be. And then we start to sit down and see, because you have to be very front-facing and do a lot of industry shit to win the battle the way you did. There was a lot of money, there had to be a lot of marketing, you had to play the game. I don't know, he probably never had to do it before. After he started playing, he's like oh, there's a bigger issue here.
Speaker 1:This is bigger than this nigga pandering this, nigga being a culture vulture. Whatever he says about him, this is bigger than that, and this is where I say oh, hip-hop is in a dangerous place because you need a plan.
Speaker 2:It starts to debunk shit, it's like selling drugs, bro.
Speaker 1:If you kill off the top guy, there's going to be a power vacuum, of course. Unless someone steps up, unless somebody immediately is able to take power, it's going to be war in the city. Yeah, so when you start to see the mid-tier guys sell 26,000 copies, that's a problem, like yeah.
Speaker 2:Because now it's just, it's basically taking bread from other people.
Speaker 1:Bro, there is never a time. I don't care what none of you niggas say about the album, whether you like it whether you don't, I don't give a fuck. There should never be a time where Big Sean sells 26,000 copies I don't care what street like listen, I don't care what street Like listen. I'm telling y'all, like Big Sean should be able to Clear Now he should be able to breathe on an album for 14 tracks. Because of a fan base, because of a bias, because of just the way things are pushed out and monetized. He should be able to breathe and sell 40,000 copies Just because it doesn't have to be good. Like that is how you know something's. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Yeah the game is fucked up. The game is fucked up when the mid-tier guys are doing piss, poor numbers you're in trouble because it's insane, because it goes back to being trickled down, like yeah, like I'm really thinking about it, like because when people say like, oh, big Sean's washed, it's just like he's not really, probably has stepped back a little bit, but you can't take away from what he has put out, which has.
Speaker 1:That album is better than 26 South. God, I'm telling you, I know that. So I think.
Speaker 2:So it does put everything a bit.
Speaker 1:Artists don't have money, no more. They can't do rollouts, they can't they can't do more tours. They can't roll out shit. They can't put fucking videos out, there's no money and shit. They can't put fucking videos out. There's no money, and now hip-hop is the low investment. Niggas don't realize.
Speaker 2:hip-hop was pop music very recently it was the popular music.
Speaker 1:The pop stars are calling hip-hop rappers to sell records. It's over with. The pop stars are back. Sabrina Carpenter is a fucking superstar. She is a fucking superstar. I'm not going to lie. God bless her. She's a fucking superstar. She is killing it. Billie Eilish is a superstar Killing it bro. Tate. Mcrae, whatever her name, is Killing it. You don't got to like the song or like her records. She is a superstar.
Speaker 2:The pop stars are back basically, and if anything, I feel like the hip hop artists would definitely try to collab with them to try to get back, but I feel like they won't because they're going to realize no, I'm good, I don't need you, they don't need us at this moment.
Speaker 1:And that is the scary part when you devalue, when you devalue the guy at the top, you need a plan. You need, like, you need a plan, you need a plan. Alright, we want this guy out of here. Because there were I can say this, there were people in the industry that were like oh yeah, get him the fuck out of here. He's doing too much, he's taking too much of the money, he's too valuable, he's too powerful. Watch out, gotcha, let's put somebody else here. Hey, are you down to do that? And that's kind of what I.
Speaker 1:That's kind of just my kindred question like hey, bro, are you ready to do that? I hope you are. You don't have to drop as frequently as drake, but drake is, when he's not putting music on, he's very front-facing yeah so I I don't know man I I love hip-hop.
Speaker 1:I want it to be in a really good place, but I do think that I think media is in the most powerful place, because anybody can have a platform. It's in the most powerful place. It's been a long time. I do think that y'all are really stupid for pushing the he's not one of us thing Because, listen, kendrick Dewey was supposed to do, call Drake all these things that may or may not, that are not true.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to say may or may about Drake, that ain't true, but it stuck. So you can't be mad that it stuck and it worked. But at the same time, the people going like, oh, maybe it is true and maybe he's not supposed to be in this culture, and what did they? Who said this? I think it was fucking. It was somebody I can't rapper's name, but some legendary guy was like yeah, kendrick is natural and Drake was trained by the fuck. Like what are we?
Speaker 1:doing here this guy isn't some amateur rapper that made a good song. He's had a 15 year run. Let's stop being dense. And because the more you devalue him, the harder it is for us to cross over. They value Drake as a pop star because he was a pop star. There has not been a rap based pop star in a very long time. So I don't know man. I know Kendrick. I have no doubt that Kendrick's album is going to be absolutely phenomenal. I have absolutely no doubt. I've heard the Drake and Party Next Door album is great. From just what I've heard, I hear it's great. I don't expect anything less. I do just hope that people aren't being dense and just are receptive and aren't just oh man, this isn't.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean Because at this point, Drake would have retired five years ago and would go out as one of the greatest hip-hop entertainers we've ever seen. I do think that parts of this battle he played a little oddly. I do think that after Family Matters he thought this thing was over, which I get, but I just fear. I fear where hip hop is going. I fear. I've been saying this literally for months and when you start arguing about how black a nigga is and he's not supposed to be in this culture, you don't think the guys that are funding this thing hear that. Yeah, call Drake whatever you want on a rap song, kendrick's doing what he's not supposed to be in his culture.
Speaker 2:You don't think the guys that are funding this thing hear that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the repercussions and shit.
Speaker 1:Like yeah, call Drake whatever you want on a rap song. Kendrick's doing what he's supposed to do, but you other niggas? They're like oh, no, no, no, we have the fan base turning against him. Let's get $80 million, that's true. So now it's like oh, we can devalue him when it's time for his re-up, that's it yeah.
Speaker 1:I may be saying too much but, when it's time for the re-up, it's like oh no, no, no, no, buddy, you're not the same Drake, exactly Like y'all are doing. The people hate the music industry, or whatever the case may be. You know what I'm saying. So, yeah, that is just kind of like my take on that whole thing, because it ties back into. I said to myself I don't want to be part of the problem and continue to talk about this beef because this shit does have to end, of course.
Speaker 2:This has to end for us to move the fuck on as everything.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Because people cannot sell records outside of a Drake and Kendrick beef right now.
Speaker 2:And that is a fucking problem.
Speaker 1:Yeah, people beat right now and that is a fucking problem. People cannot and don't say the music outside of Future. But even to that I'm like that might have been catapulted by that, because on Future's next project people were expecting to hear Drake diss.
Speaker 2:I know that for a fact. People were expecting okay he's gonna diss Drake Cool, and that's why everyone was speculating a lot on social media from what I was seeing. But I mean I love the album. Don't get me wrong, it reminds me of Old Future, but I mean everyone has to move past it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think we and I'm not saying that just because Drake has not been the victor- and I used to hate Drake.
Speaker 2:I used to be a big-ass hater. At this point, we gotta move on For hip-hop's sake.
Speaker 1:I'm talking about the media, the articles. I know you have to cover it when it's time, but I'm like let's move on, we've already, we've already. This thing has already taken a large hit yeah, and dwelled a lot and this is like Kendrick did exactly what he was supposed to.
Speaker 1:Drake did. There's never been a hip hop battle won off of lyricism. No, just throw mud, say the most personal shit you can, and then whoever wins wins. Yeah, cool, but it's got to end at this point. The Super Bowl's coming up. He's going to do the record, fine. The album's going to come out, I'm sure, either around that time or right after Great. I just hope that it's enough to hold us over to where the value of this I call it hip-hop at stock at this point to go back up. Okay, you know what I mean. It's really like the CEO of fucking Microsoft being called you know the P word and you know being saying that he hates black people. That's pretty much what happened to like our Microsoft and the stock drops Gotcha. And here we are and they're like, oh well, he was the face of this thing.
Speaker 2:So when we go, from there when we go from here If he's not.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:If he's not in that position, if he's not in that position?
Speaker 1:we can. All you niggas ain't even close to him. You guys can't go make Spanish music. You guys can't go make Afrobeats. You guys can't make house music. You think these little rappity-raps is going to get it done? That is not selling right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:We're just going to close up shop. Gangsta rap is not. We are not like. Niggas are not on that right now. Yeah so, man, but shout out to both those guys putting on a spectacular performance Now.
Speaker 2:Jermaine.
Speaker 1:Oh my.
Speaker 2:God, I my boy Jermaine, my boy Jermaine, why?
Speaker 1:This shit gives me a headache Because everyone is so fucking dense. Do you have a specific take? Do you have a thought?
Speaker 2:Do you have a? Hey like? I can see a bit why he did it, but it's like Tommy, why Just shut up?
Speaker 1:I'm not even mad that he Like I've only gotten upset at this most recent, the most recent record yeah, we all know that. He, like I've only gotten upset at his this most recent, the most recent record yeah, we all know. Anybody that's not aware, of course, cole. No, I'm mad at two things. All of this stuff could have been done behind the scenes. One Two yes.
Speaker 2:Wasn't Cole on tour when he did that too?
Speaker 1:No, Well, he did a Dreamville Fest, okay.
Speaker 2:Oh yes, so I guess technically it's still open. So it's like wow bro, like why you do that.
Speaker 1:Thank God I didn't go, because I went the year before.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was looking at tickets for it.
Speaker 1:No, I went the year before because it was Usher and Drake and J.
Speaker 2:Cole was the greatest show ever but to do that while at Dreamfest or that time like.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna tell you, niggas, the truth. You know what? Cause? I think all y'all that have these freaking deep dives. It's a very, very. It's a very easy two minute explanation. I'm gonna give you guys two bits of very, very extreme truth. You guys are this whole Drake. I mean, I'm sorry. J Cole did it for his morality and he didn't feel right. Everybody shut the fuck up. You niggas are not that stupid. J Cole has an album coming out.
Speaker 1:J Cole knows J Cole cares about his music probably more than any artist I know. Like he really cares about his music, like J Cole puts his time, his blood, his sweat into his music. J Cole, just a week prior, two weeks prior probably, gave us two of the most phenomenal verses we've heard in months in a while the T Grizzly record and the record he did with Daylight great, no matter how good he rapped the conversation was, I don't want to hear him rap about being the greatest anymore, because now he battled off the battle. You don't think to hear him rap about being the greatest anymore, because now he battled off the battle. You don't think he heard that. He went home, got on the internet, said, oh, this is also going to probably affect my album sales or how people receive my album, because I'm going to continue to rap like this, exactly. So let me get this the fuck out the way and tell you guys. Front face.
Speaker 1:About yo, this is why I did it, Cole. All y'all do is keep rapping. Buddy, we love you. We would have listened anyway.
Speaker 2:All y'all do is keep rapping buddy.
Speaker 1:But when he does that, everybody yo bro he just don't want this to affect how his album is received, which is fine, but we don't have to make it deeper than Cole and Kendrick. I'm going to tell y'all this right now Cole and Kendrick was not that fly when this beef happened, him saying I would have lost another brother, a, when Cole was on tour with Drake. Him and Kendrick was not fly already.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they wasn't.
Speaker 1:They wasn't fly, they wasn't cool, they wasn't brothers, kendrick was not, they was not kicking it. No, so enough with the whole. I would have lost my brother or whatever you were saying Enough. I love Cole and I think he's wrapping his ass off right now and we should not take it for granted. Yeah, we should take it for granted. Three guys, we don't have much time left. The big three, it's really the big three. Yeah, and there is nobody next, which is no one is next.
Speaker 2:I'm telling y'all, right now, there is no.
Speaker 1:I feel like I'm such a fucking, I'm being such a Debbie Downer there is nothing left, it's really sad. I don't know what is left.
Speaker 2:I would say there's C tier that are fighting for B tier.
Speaker 1:When I say there's nothing, niggas are looking there's actively like hey, what's in that? Oh, never mind.
Speaker 2:My hopes was on Meek, but Meek just, he needs a fucking whole squad of PR people.
Speaker 1:No, but the second tier, big 3, they're almost done too. I don't see Big Sean rapping for a long time. I don't see Wale rapping for a long time. I don't see Wale rapping for a long time, and I don't see Meek rapping for that much longer.
Speaker 2:I saw Big Sean with Jhene.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't see these guys being in, especially if they're doing other things. They're not going to be in hip hop that much longer. Hip hop ain't making money like that.
Speaker 2:It really isn't Damn shit.
Speaker 1:All these super deep dives. J Cole saw you niggas on the internet saying that he can't say this shit no more. He took it personal and was like all right well, let me get ahead of this. My album's coming out. I don't want this to affect my album. And that's it. It ain't this super deep J Cole Drake is. I'll tell you right now, drake ain't fucking with Cole like that.
Speaker 3:I don't think, drake is fucking with Cole like that bro.
Speaker 1:I just, yeah, they're not kicking it.
Speaker 2:I think, cole, neither one of these niggas, none of the three of these niggas is talking to each other.
Speaker 1:So I think he's like hey, man, I don't want this to affect my album, I don't want this cloud hanging over my head. So he rapped that way. He said that shit. Yeah, after the beef. Yes, there was a few things. I'm like oh, cole, you gonna do that right now. This is not the time, but you know what I mean. But yeah, I this is not just super deep. Oh my God, this it's not. Nigga heard everybody being like hey, you can't rap that shit, no more, buddy. And he was like oh yeah, I can, if I just tell you guys why I bowed out. No.
Speaker 2:Nigga what the fuck.
Speaker 1:Well, anyway, I'm gonna listen to the album, I'm gonna go to the show Child to Cole this is my guy. But All that shit, all that shit is nasty, all that shit is gross.
Speaker 2:Like bro, just leave it be.
Speaker 1:If everybody just left this shit alone, including us, because we're part of the problem right now. But this is I will say I would hope this is the last time we have to talk about this. Yeah, even the fucking. I never hear, I never know about the oh, somebody followed this the fact that Future is retweeting Young Thug saying everybody needs to get back together Like guys. It's a little late. Yeah, the damage is done. The damage is done, the damage is done Way too done.
Speaker 1:It's done. It's over with. Y'all did what y'all did. Y'all said what y'all said. Y'all wanted this guy off the throne. Great, I hear y'all. It happens to everybody. When 50 was at the top, it bunch of niggas ah it's over with Including the industry, when Hov put out.
Speaker 1:I remember when Hov put out Magna Carter, Holy Grail, niggas were like, oh yeah, nah, we're not fucking with this because he's changed. He did the Samson thing, he's changed shit. Ah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. And then they had Drake. They knew Drake was coming. No, we got this guy. There ain't nobody behind these guys. The Super Bowl thing I don't think it's that deep either, it's going to be fire to watch, obviously the Super Bowl? I don't think it's that deep either.
Speaker 2:I find it a little just funny. I mean, where is it going to be this? Year New Orleans. New Orleans Damn, they really should have went with Wayne. I love Kendrick, but they really should have went with Wayne.
Speaker 1:I mean, listen, man, I think that the reason people are upset isn't because it's Kendrick, it's because they know something happened yeah.
Speaker 1:And they're like oh, you did this out of spite, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yeah, and everyone people are we know something happened, that's why. Not that it's Kendrick, because Kendrick, even without not like us, kendrick could do a Super Bowl and then nobody would blink. It's like oh bro, it's Kendrick Lamar, what the fuck. But I think that at this point it was like oh, like we know something happened, that's why. But yeah, man, that is all I got on this thing. I hope that we don't ever have to talk.
Speaker 2:I'm going to be probably just to hear Derek's.
Speaker 1:I want to hear Derek's of course, yeah, but I think that, in terms of the, I always said like it would be unfair for us to not give our synopsis of things going on especially being a little close to I'm like you know what man.
Speaker 1:These guys did, what they were supposed to do, stop. What I will stand firmly on is stop saying Drake's not hip hop. Stop saying Drake doesn't deserve to be in the culture, that he should be gone. All that shit is fucking stupid. Take you guys' personal issues with Drake up with Drake. Stop that shit. It's stupid, it's irresponsible.
Speaker 2:That's who fucking grown for that shit too bro.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's literally. Hip-hop is being defunded at a rapid rate. Y' your job, it's not your home. There's a small percentage of people that work in music that is going to affect, but stop, stop with the whole. Yo, drake ain't one of us. It's dumb. It's dumb, it's stupid. He's literally carried this thing for 15 years. I'm sorry he has. Like him or not, it is what it is. So I would just say guys, leave it be. But yeah, is that's all I got on fucking? Do we miss anything in this Drake? Kendrick Cole the.
Speaker 1:Jay-Z thing. I don't have much of a deep dive. I think Jay-Z. Jay-z's petty is classier than Drake's petty. Like Drake will like talk about your girl and stuff, jay will like buy your mom's house, which is yeah like he does shit.
Speaker 3:So, jay, just yeah, exactly like Jay, your mom's house, which is, yeah, like he does shit.
Speaker 2:So Jay, just, and then foreclose it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly Like Jay-Z's petty is a little bit more classy than Drake's petty. Yeah, and yeah, and Jay-Z's. Oddly enough, jay-z is more attractive to businesses right now. Hell yeah To Drake. So, yeah, jay's business Kind of too busy to worry about that type of shit. Yeah, jay's boss acumen right now is at a very top-tier level. His petty is a lot more classy than Drake's petty. Gotcha, which, yeah, and Drake's still to me young Drake's, only a few years older than the niggas. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So yeah.
Speaker 1:I hope this thing, we all can get past this thing, because we have to. When Kendrick does his victory lap, niggas get it. Kendrick did a $10 million show for Amazon.
Speaker 2:That shit. Oh my god bro, that shit. That's a whole other conversation, but that was amazing. I can't front bro.
Speaker 1:Oh no, we can't move on. Fuck what. Kendrick just did a fucking interview and said what this nigga said Kendrick is a smart nigga, bro. What'd he say? That nigga's a mad scientist. What this nigga Kendrick said. I really enjoyed the interview how he talked about a man and being vulnerable. Now, like your dad never taught you to be vulnerable and all that, all the shit that niggas go through Basically. But then, and all you niggas that said yo, he said the right thing and you guys don't get it. And you guys, if you niggas, it's stepping on your own foot.
Speaker 2:Like shut up.
Speaker 1:Like niggas can read and niggas are smart. He just didn't say shit, shit, jesus. But not like us is the energy of who? I am the type of man I represent. This man has morals, he has values, he believes in something, he stands on something. He's not pandering. This is obviously calling Drake a panderer. He is a man who can recognize his mistakes and not be afraid to share the mistakes. He can dig deep into fear-based ideologies of experiences to be able to express them without feeling like he's less of a man. Also, without feeling like he's less of a man Also. Hey, drake, you know you fucked up. That's why everybody fucking hates you and you. Admitting that you're wrong doesn't make you less of a man. Another shot at Drake. Cool, I hear that If I'm thinking of not like us, I'm thinking of me and whoever identifies with that. Cool great sounds good. Hey Kendrick, I don't understand the morality stance when you told us your last album. You're not our savior and your morals?
Speaker 2:are compromised. Yeah, it kind of double back, don't you so?
Speaker 1:I mean, listen, love Kendrick, but there is a large hypocrisy in a lot of this thing. But I'm also artist. Artistry is entertainment, so you can't take it seriously. Of course but, um, this is one thing one day, and then it's two things, and then you know, I can't really say, but the guys that have stood next to him on that stage ain't the most moral, yeah, you know what.
Speaker 1:I'm saying so, yeah, so I don't know. Man. I like I said genius response to not shed more light on you know how he handled this, shed more light on how he handled this. But yeah, this didn't say anything. And everybody thinking that this is once again some super deep thought out. Guys, it's fine, everything is fine, we're past it guys. I hope we are.
Speaker 2:I didn't get to see the BET Hip Hop Awards.
Speaker 1:It was the worst.
Speaker 2:I used to tune in a lot, but it's just been whatever at this point they did that shit at a nightclub. What the fuck they did that shit at a nightclub, that shit at Starlet.
Speaker 1:I mean honestly it looked like it.
Speaker 2:Like it kind of reminds me of when I forgot what episode but we were talking about if people would want a Grammy compared to the BET Award. Yeah, the BET Award.
Speaker 1:Niggas don't give a fuck about BET Awards.
Speaker 2:So I feel like it has lost its oomph because the BET Awards I mean, I'm not saying but this ain't the BET.
Speaker 1:This is the BET. Hip Hop Awards. Oh, Hip Hop Awards. No, you should just get rid of this at this point. Oh, it was honestly one of the worst awards I've ever seen. Really, it's literally like bro. It felt like they went and booked a venue. Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:And I know when I say this it sounds weird because you guys think that's the process but no venues want to host this event Like gala. Know like venues want to host this event like gallows, yeah, auditoriums, yeah, theaters, yeah, they want to host these events, and when did at a club, like they did at dray's in vegas, like it's a spot, like niggas go there to like pop bottles like niggas go to the like to that club yeah kick it so like, yeah, I don't know man.
Speaker 1:And once again it shows where hip hop is yeah yeah how hip hop is viewed, the way hip hop is being taken care of. Niggas, keep playing with these superstar pop. We have not seen this pop star resurgence since Britney Spears, since Katy Perry first came out, till Swift about to drop again. I'm telling you, niggas, a the pop. And Sabrina Carpenter has a classic.
Speaker 2:Banger bro.
Speaker 1:Billie Eilish got a classic. They playing it in the black spots. They really are Like.
Speaker 2:I'm telling you. So Not everyone got to be a rapper. Yo Be a pop star.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you gotta be a rapper, yo Be a pop star. I'm telling you, we had our own, but I called him a P-word so what are we gonna do?
Speaker 2:Stop calling yourself G-Dot, bro. You're Greg. Yes, Gregory. Enough. Stop rapping, Be Greg bro.
Speaker 1:Gregory, take singing lessons, please Come on. But yeah, the B-T-Vow Awards is one of the worst things I've ever had in my life. They didn't even have nobody came. Yeah, they didn't even. They didn't even was a host. Oh that, joe, I mean cool, but like they didn't even have, they didn't even like have niggas to, they didn't even present the awards, they would just pull up and be like yo, kendrick won eight awards tonight yeah, hey niggas, niggas in here.
Speaker 1:Nah, you can't do that shit yeah, niggas think of give a fuck, cancel that shit. Yeah, niggas ain't give a fuck, bro. Cancel that. Niggas ain't give a fuck, damn. But hey, whatever man. Hip-hop's in a shitty place. What are we going to do?
Speaker 2:I mean, hopefully it comes back. Good shit, I mean nothing against it Me. I always love R&B.
Speaker 1:And then, all right, listen, none of that shit. Y'all niggas putting out it ain't hitting my airwaves, buddy. All that shit is some ass. But are we going to just go to music? Oh, what do we have here? Do you want to do TV or music? First, because I've been watching some shit. Tv's been fine.
Speaker 2:TV. Yo, hbo has been on a run because a lot of people didn't, all right. So when it comes to spinoff shows, they always are shit, 100%, yeah, 100% shit, yes, they'll get some fan service because, oh, the nerds and shit like that, or the people who are true fans and stuff, they'll do certain little things or say certain things, but spinoff shows are usually always shit. Yeah, penguin, oh phenomenal.
Speaker 2:This show is a spin-off show from the movie the Batman. If you have never seen the Batman, please go watch it with Robin Patterson and Colin Powell and everyone else. Amazing movie. This show is on a movie level, bro, Like amazing. One big shout-out to the cosmetics and hair and makeup team on that show. All of them give them praises, bro, Because the fact that you cannot. You look at that photo of Colin Farrell. Yeah, you can't see him in that fucking face, bro, that's insane. And then a great actor that he is and everyone else on that show. But bro, Penguin is amazing. That shit is legit A-tier movie. Yeah, Like HBO has just been killing it with shows. It's mainly Penguin. I don't want to spoil shit, but it's just even off the first episode.
Speaker 1:Fuck, I don't work in TV, no more. Yeah, spoiling, fuck them niggas, I don't give a fuck, even off the first episode it's like, oh shit, I ain't part of NDA. I don't care.
Speaker 2:But it's amazing. Definitely go watch the Penguin bro.
Speaker 1:No, that's a show I've loved a lot. Hbo I. Hbo's budget must be fucking through the fucking roof. Who is the young lady that's acting?
Speaker 2:she has been give her the Emmy now. She's been in a couple movies. She's definitely been in. How I Met your Mother that's the mom.
Speaker 1:That's the mom she is.
Speaker 2:What is her name?
Speaker 1:Christine Melody. There you go. She is fucking unbelievable. Holy shit, give her every single fucking award. Wow, holy shit. Oh my God. Oh, she was on GoFallStreet too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, she was in Wolf Wall Street 2. Yeah, yeah, she was in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she is oh my gosh, phenomenal bro. Like I've never wow she. Yeah, she deserves all the awards. Penguin deserves all the awards. Amazing show. Hbo, you're doing your thing. Dc Marvel is on. I mean Marvel DC is on your ass.
Speaker 2:Marvel is yeah, they kind of been, they kind of been on a dry run right now, Marvel DC is on your ass ever since, ever since Infinity War and Endgame, it's kind of just been, eh, in a way, which I mean all good things must come to an end. So you know, like certain characters and actors are just not in it anymore, and then it's now into a new phase and stuff which I mean it's fine Deadpool and Wolverine was great Deadpool and Wolverine, it was just a movie about nothing, but it was so good, it was so funny, the action was great.
Speaker 2:It was a lot of fan service. Yeah, they distracted us. It was oldie because they distracted us. Yes, 100%, and I'm fine with with it because I watched that shit. Three times.
Speaker 1:Fix the basketball games, fix the movies, do the movies, so we care.
Speaker 2:I don't want to promote AMC, but I do A-list 25 a month. This is not an ad. Yeah, ad or fuck them. I watched that shit three times. That shit legit, distracted me three fucking times and it's amazing, but DC has just been on it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, dc been on it, but DC's just been on it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, dc's been on it, if it's one thing I know they've always been on it with animated movies and shows compared to Marvel's live-action movies. But this show 100% you have to watch the Batman yeah watch it Watch the Batman and then watch Penguin.
Speaker 1:This is also something that we said. We've been saying this from now on, where we're going to like, promote, not promote, but like we're going to give you guys things to watch and things to listen to. So we're going to do that. But no, penguin's amazing. We've been recording for a little while. How much time do I have? Love is Blind. Have you been watching?
Speaker 2:A bit. That's more of Derek's bag. I can't front, I'm not caught up.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, that's my bag too. Damn oh shit. You know the premise though. Yes.
Speaker 2:I fucked with more of the ultimatum and stuff like that. That's a demonic show, I know, but Love is Blind. I'm not caught up completely. I'll see little clips here and there and shit, but I don't know it grabs me and then it kind of lets me go Okay.
Speaker 1:I'm going to give you hold on. I'm going to give you the rundown for the viewers and listeners. Love is Blind is a Netflix show started by the demonic couple themselves, Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey. Call them demonic because they do nothing but entertain us with nonsense season after season. This is the best.
Speaker 2:Where are they at now? Season 7 but location oh, location is the.
Speaker 1:Location is DC. And you know what? I had high hopes for DC because DC niggas are super pretentious. Because once a nigga goes to Howard and wears some cardigans, he thinks he's the best nigga in the world and he never did nothing wrong in his life. And once a nigga put on the Chelsea boots, the nigga tells you he was in the army. Either he was in the army or he's a lawyer now. And you.
Speaker 1:DC niggas. And then they wear the shirts with their chest out. Okay you niggas, y'all ain't better than us. I don't give a fuck. I don't care that you went to Morehouse Kiss my ass. I don't care, I don't care, I don't, I don't care about you.
Speaker 2:I don't give a fuck that you I don't care that you went to HBC.
Speaker 1:I don't, I don't, you n don't care, I don't care, I'm not joking. I hate some of you niggas. I hate some of you niggas.
Speaker 2:No, I got love for DC. I've been there once.
Speaker 1:No, I love DC. I do hate some of you niggas though, oh shit.
Speaker 1:So, if you guys don't know the premise of Love is Blind, love is Blind is an experiment where two at the end of the they sit behind for two weeks and then after the two weeks, you have to decide if you want to propose to the person across the wall or not, which is insane, insane. After you do that, you are sent on a honeymoon Well, a pre-wedding honeymoon for about a few days, so you guys can learn to live together and vacation After that you are sent to live in an apartment with your said fiancé, and in between that time you go back to work, you get your phone back, you are communicating with your family so they meet your friends, et cetera, et cetera.
Speaker 1:And then, at the end of the experiment, you go to the altar and you decide yes or no in front of your family and friends. So they dress your family to the altar and you decide yes or no in front of your family and friends. So they dress your family and friends up and you might say no, Damn bro.
Speaker 2:It really is demonic.
Speaker 1:I can't for him bro, I want to go couple by couple. Okay.
Speaker 1:And I want to give an overview of all you disgusting niggas, because this is the worst best season of Love is Blind. And I'm going to give an overview of all you disgusting niggas because this is the worst, best season of Love is Blind. And I'm going to give myself credit. Maybe I'll put my tweet up somewhere on YouTube. The first episode I said this might be the worst cast of all time. Not a one of you niggas is making it to the altar.
Speaker 2:It was that bad.
Speaker 1:There is a. During the beginning seasons people went to the altar and it was that bad. There is a During the beginning seasons people went to the altar and said no. But lately niggas are saying no before they go to the altar, like niggas are breaking up before they even do the marriage shit. What the fuck? The DC crew 85% of the couples didn't even make it to the altar. Goddamn, but hold up.
Speaker 1:And if you guys want to watch this, I'm sorry you can skip this part, but for my people watching Love is Blind, I got you. I'm going to give y'all John's breakdown, all right, and Joe, you got to watch this. This season is chaos. I've never seen so many awful niggas. No just go to Netflix latest season? I don't even know what season, but Because they got Love, is Blind every country. Now that's insane.
Speaker 2:They haven't done New York, have they? Hell, no, that should be.
Speaker 1:I've definitely watched that, but too many niggas would try to be like influencers.
Speaker 2:You can't do like Miami or New York, dc was like the closest and look what the play too much, yeah, so I'm going to give you niggas, all right.
Speaker 1:So we got Marissa and Ramses. If you watch the show, you know Ramses is a nigga who got two dreads hanging out the back of his head. He looks like a poker nigga. He looks like Pocahontas had a kid and just transferred whatever she got in her and his. He looks absolutely ridiculous. The nigga said he was married before and he smart nigga. He kept using that as like a thing like yo, I don't want to do this again. I want this to be right.
Speaker 1:I was married before I had the experience. Cool, this horny ass, nigga His girl. What's her name? Hold on, it's on my phone. Oh, marissa, sweet girl, sweet girl. Whole time they were arguing about she used to be in the military, not anymore. She's about to be a lawyer. But he kept shitting on her military experience. Like yo, if you ever join, you join in the military, you're part of the system. One of those niggas?
Speaker 2:What the fuck. One of those niggas. Nigga sat in front of her homegirls Like bro Keep Say that shit to yourself, damn, exactly because, yeah, what she's bound to have military friends and shit Bro wowing Cool, no problem.
Speaker 1:She's rocking with him, no problem, bro. And this season was also really bad because they cut out all the context. Oh, okay, so like we would see the after of an argument, but not see the argument, but not the actual argument.
Speaker 2:That's whack. Yeah, niggas cut to a. That's whack, because I want to see some dramatic shit.
Speaker 1:Bro, niggas cut to a scene where she's like yo, like yeah, I don't feel like being touched right now because I'm PMSing and I'm sick. He's like, yeah, but like, is this going to be like that all the time? I shouldn't laugh, nigga you are. Don't run the red light. Go to the bathroom, you freaky ass boy. Yeah, don't run the red light.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you're wild bro.
Speaker 1:This is what Kendrick was talking about. You freaking, yeah, relax, Calm the fuck down. Yeah, like Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:Nah, bro, that's crazy. Running the red light is crazy, cool, cool nigga.
Speaker 1:Then nigga breaks your energy's not right. Nigga dumps her. This nigga's a freak bro. Nigga, him Bro. Nigga say yo the energy's not right, I can't do this. Energy's fucked up the energy's not right. It's over with Couple. One don't make it to the altar. Okay, this isn't the first, but I'm going in the order that I'm reading this list.
Speaker 2:That's fine, I'm.
Speaker 1:We got my favorite duo, which I haven't seen the finale yet, just FYI, taylor and Garrett. Taylor and Garrett, great couple, nothing bad to say. She goes in the nigga phone like girls do. She sees him respond to his ex Yo, but don't they take the phones?
Speaker 2:No, but this is when they got back.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, I don't know if she went to the nigga phone but I don't know if he slipped up and said yo, my ex texted me. Why the fuck would you say that?
Speaker 2:But his ex texted me, say his dominoes or T-Mobile, I don't know what happened.
Speaker 1:She was like yo, if your ex texts you, I don't even want you, Just ignore that shit. He said he liked the text Called in a lie. He responded it was like but he responded with yo, I'm engaged, we can't talk, no more, Don't matter.
Speaker 2:Don't respond. It's still a response. It's up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, cool. I think they're going to make it, whatever the case may be here. Great couple. I think Netflix had to put that fight in just because they were too perfect. I'm going to remember this.
Speaker 1:I'll save them for last I'm trying to go in the order of what I see here, but it's a couple, Alex and Tim. More context you two niggas. You two. They cut out an argument. They were you two. They cut out an argument. They were on vacation. During the argument she put her hand over the nigga's face. Whoa Crazy. We hate her Awful.
Speaker 2:Next, domestic violence. I'm not laughing at domestic violence, I'm laughing at the meme of domestic violence.
Speaker 1:I can't say that.
Speaker 2:I don't condone that.
Speaker 1:Keep your hands to yourselves yeah, of course, what I was going to say. I can't say that, but anyway, yeah, she put her hand over her mouth. He stayed. I can't say that, but anyway, yeah, she put her hand over her mouth. Okay. He stayed. That's out. Once anything is near my face or whatever's going on, I'm out of here. That's over with. Can't be me. Whatever, I ain't going to hit you.
Speaker 2:I'll shake the shit out of you though.
Speaker 1:Oh, we're going to cut that out. I'm going to cut that out. I don't know what time I'm cutting that out. I'm cutting that out. I'm cutting that out.
Speaker 2:I can't say that I know, I know, I don't care.
Speaker 1:If I know how to bleep. No, actually we can, We'll find a bleep. What I was going to say was oh, actually we can, We'll find a bleep. But what I was going to say was oh yeah, time stamp that please Write that down. Yeah, well, no. So what I was saying is yeah, she put her freaking hand over his mouth, yeah.
Speaker 1:And then he was cool with it. He had this emotional ass scene. This guy, he's been through a lot in life. Okay, I do feel like he was very intense and I have no room to judge. I've lost family at a young age, so has he. So there's nothing more for me to say in terms of that.
Speaker 2:Gotcha.
Speaker 1:But I do think he was a little heavy, like maybe they did show, maybe they did have fun outside of the scenes, but every little heavy, maybe they did show, maybe they did have fun outside of the scenes, but every scene they showed was just them crying with each other. And that's a lot, bro, and I know that's toxic to say, because, man, we should be vulnerable and be able to talk about our feelings and cry with who we're with. I'm with y'all, I get it, but I feel like, damn nigga, go get a mimosa or something. Holy shit, brother. This nigga never smiled, but so that happened. They had this amazing scene where he cooked for her family and he read this letter to her father, who is very sick. Okay, I don't want to say very good, I don't know, but he is sick. Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Father cried Crazy, see, and I think I teared up. I was like damn, Next episode. He said yo, you was out till four in the morning, you took a nap while my parents were here and they drove 10 hours. Damn, I never want to see you again. Just walked out. Then the nigga went on the internet and doubled down and said I don't care what y'all saw. Pretty much fuck that girl. I don't care, Duh Another couple out the way.
Speaker 1:Damn Another couple out the way. I'm going to speed this up. We got Steven and Monica. Steven is a sex freak, nigga say yo. And he got no money.
Speaker 2:Steven, a sex freak, broke, and sex freak Bro Horny and broke, bro Horny and broke Bro.
Speaker 1:He's with a girl, monica. She was pretty annoying too, but either which way, let's cut to the chase. Steven is on the couch. Monica, yo, I went through your phone. Why are you texting girls your fetishes? He said I don't know, fuck.
Speaker 1:That's it Bro. I called what you gonna say. I mean, that's what happened. Boom, nigga goes yo, my bad, she goes yo, venmo me. All the money I spent on you you broke, bitch Cool. Whatever the case may be, niggas sent her a Venmo got the fuck out of there. Never saw them niggas again. That's it, cut down. Now we got this next couple. Now I think these are the. Oh, we got this next couple Nick and Hannah. Yo, my love is blind people out there. I know I'm not giving too much of my thoughts here because ain't much else this season sucked.
Speaker 2:Okay, but it's entertaining.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you right now, nick and Hannah. Hannah keeps calling Nick a broke, loser boy because he lives at home. Girl, get over yourself, fuck, get over yourself Shit. Anyway, they sit down, she demeans the nigga and calls him a loser. You're broke, you're a little boy, all this shit. You don't do nothing for yourself. I will give her some bail, though. Nigga did not know how to boil pasta. He went in the fridge and saw what the pasta had to boil, that I feel her. No, that's bad.
Speaker 1:I feel her the nigga that's unbelievable, but beyond that awful couple and we got the last of the last, the worst shit, my nigga. What's his nigga's name? Oh, what is this guy's name? The guy that has four kids, four secret kids? What is this nigga's name? Oh, what is this guy's name? The guy that has four kids, four secret kids? What is this nigga's name? Oh, tyler. Hey, tyler, my nigga, horrible name for you to have. But hey, my nigga, you are a sociopath.
Speaker 2:Wait, four different kids with four different baby moms.
Speaker 1:Oh no, no listen. So they wait till after they do the reveal and he's like he got a fiance. Okay, they cut out the beginning of the scene like always hey, real shit, my nigga Tyler, you are a sociopath. My nigga Tyler said he has three sperm babies. He's a sperm donor, but he know the kids. He got pictures with the kids. He's in pajamas with the kids.
Speaker 2:I don't think they're supposed to let the person meet the child.
Speaker 1:It was his homegirl. He donated his phone to his homegirl, his homegirl and her girl, her wife. What the fuck. If this was what year 2000 and whatever, there would be so many more jokes here, but trust me I'm not going to make them. But the nigga got. He said I got three sperm babies and it sounds like that young lady believed him. I don't know. Hey, listen, girl.
Speaker 1:I don't care how much you love this man Out of here. This show gave me a headache. I'm praying for the women and the one dude that kept being called a broke loser by the girl for no reason because he lived at home, like 98% of America. So, besides that, this is the worst group of niggas in the world. You ladies, I don't know if you deserve better, but I'm going to say holy shit, nick and Vanessa, you did it again. I'll be in for next season. I'll tune in for next season. We got him.
Speaker 1:I did this whole long rant to tell you I'm tuning in. Go watch Love is Blind. This is not an ad. Netflix does not pay us.
Speaker 2:I'm going to have to binge this shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, watch this season. This shit is unbelievable. Did I give yeah? My analysis is simple this whole season sucks, and not in the entertainment way, in the people. The casting director needs a raise, but fired at the same time. Give them like a lump sum and get them the fuck out of here.
Speaker 2:Get the fuck out he did his job so good.
Speaker 1:This proves the experiment wrong. This shit, the experiment wrong. This shit proves that love ain't blind. And this proves that Nick and Vanessa need a raise. Give the casting director a raise and then fire them.
Speaker 2:Because that's the only way to even this shit out. Way too good.
Speaker 1:Amazing. Salute but non-salute. I don't know how to do this. Salute theute. I don't know how to do this. Salute the camera. I don't know. I don't like you gotta like I'm so conflicted in how I feel, like it's so entertaining but it's such bad but good TV I don't get it.
Speaker 2:So that means the job is done. I'm at the tune end for sure.
Speaker 1:The niggas say he got three sperm babies, but he's holding the babies in pictures. He got three sperm babies but he slept with the girl. I don't know, I don't think that's how that works. That's not how you donate. That is sex. Yes.
Speaker 2:They're supposed to just go to the donation place.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they slept together, so I don't know how that works. That sucks. And everybody they keep giving the story like yo like nah. And everybody they keep giving the story Like yo like nah, he slept with me and then the girl's wife was like yeah, he fucked her.
Speaker 2:I'm like, okay, someone's story is not adding up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the math ain't mathing, math ain't mathing. But all right, buddy, all right. No, the funniest part is because obviously all this shit came out after the show airs, which the show airs which the show was shot a year in advance. Okay, yeah, the girl asked him yo, do the kids know what you look like? He was like I don't know what. And then, right after all, the Facebook pictures came out oh my God, hey, you got to be a sociopath if I like that, Not yet.
Speaker 2:Respect.
Speaker 1:It's like it Couldn't be me A couple fucking Louis Bowles. Shit ain't right up there, buddy. Shit ain't right up there, hey salute. I don't know Teach us on buddy. I don't know, Teach us on.
Speaker 1:What's his name, tyler, teach us on buddy. I don't know, but that is my Love is Blind recap. I wish I could have done a weekly recap. Hey, we're putting out some episodes now, but Nick and Vanessa keep going. Man, you always got a viewer in me. The next one, I think, is Minneapolis. Tuned in Minneapolis Maybe we'll get a good city where niggas is. You know what I mean. But I heard after Minneapolis, miami shit show, really Shit show.
Speaker 2:I already know that Miami Not yet. Miami is definitely not. Shit show, Bro. Miami is going to. That's going to be a lot of bullshit.
Speaker 1:It's going to be a lot of bullshit. Yeah, do we have. I mean, we have some music to get to it. Ain't much deep diving, because this is our. What Did we Miss episode.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So I just wanted to highlight some music. You can highlight some music We've talked about this majority of the show Sabrina Carpenter is a superstar. Somebody put a TikTok up that said Sabrina Carpenter, I hope you have no racial sweets in your past. Delete them now, because we don't want Yo Please, because we fucking with you.
Speaker 2:She was like yo girl, yeah, Please, Because we fucking with you. She was like yo girl, yeah, Just delete it Please. We won't even be looking. We won't be looking, bro. That's a fact though.
Speaker 1:She's a star. Her album is phenomenal. I've seen some of the tour background. She works really hard. Yeah, the team is great.
Speaker 2:She's killing it bro. Phenomenal man.
Speaker 1:She's yeah, sabrina Carpenter, leon Thomas. Phenomenal album. Phenomenal album, really really good, yeah, phenomenal. I don't really have much else to say, but I want them to put as much money behind that album. I know he's now on tour with Blast okay, but yeah okay, I know he's now on tour with.
Speaker 2:Blast.
Speaker 1:Okay, but yeah, I Okay. If you can go see that show, go see it Just to see him perform. You know Mutt Live and a lot of these big records, so I'm supporting Leon Thomas' amazing album. I'm Glorilla Phenomenal album.
Speaker 2:She's really doing it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's smoking shit. She's really doing it. Yeah, she's smoking shit.
Speaker 2:She's really doing it. I can't find.
Speaker 1:Her album is phenomenal, the Baby actually. You know, beyond his cancellation, he's come and put out.
Speaker 2:A pretty good album. I'm actually surprised he put out an album, cause it's been. I mean, it's not like he hasn't Put out any type of work, but it's just been Quite some time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he got into trouble. And I think that we're finally getting over that. Like I said him coming out with a good album in a time like this, where the mid-tier acts are not being pushed and celebrated because the top guys aren't in the best place right now either, and not to go back to this, but I think all three of those guys aren't in the most.
Speaker 1:Kendrick's fine, but in terms of what I believe Kendrick has to do, he's not. Cole and Drake are looked at a little funny right now. 50 said he put out a, he did an interview and talked about his conversation with Drake and saying, like you know, the resistance are looked at a little funny right now. 50 said he put out a, he did an interview and talked about his conversation with Drake and saying, like you know, the resistance when you've been on top for so long is natural. It happens to everybody. Don't take it personal, just keep creating.
Speaker 1:But I say that to say when the guys at the top aren't in the best place, the mid-tier guys and lower-tier guys suffer. The Baby's album is really good and it should be highlighted a little bit more. But obviously hip-hop is just not being celebrated in a place. Feel how you feel about Big Sean's album. I know it's not a lot of people's favorite, so I'd use that as an example. But the Baby put out a really good album and it's not being highlighted because he has controversy in hip-hop's already, like not the best.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Glorilla, I hear a lot of people celebrating her album and obviously with streaming and stuff, sales numbers are different, but the album's really good. I think it did 60 its first week. I'm not trying to harp on numbers, but which is fine. That's pretty good it's pretty good in this day and age so Glorilla, phenomenal.
Speaker 1:She's had A phenomenal year, man. She had Women. Women has been on top. Women rap has just been phenomenal. Yeah, summer Walker's Dropping soon. I think she put out A single Phenomenal shit Like yeah, she put out a single. I haven't gotten A chance to hear it yet, but Summer Walker's Never put out a bad song to me. Yeah, we already talked about Kendrick's album theme. I said that earlier I've heard it too. West Coast inspired album, which I think would sound great.
Speaker 2:We also talked about Drake P&D.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Drake P&D that's from what I've heard. It's coming soon. I've heard it's really good. But yeah, Do we have anything else musically, Anything else on the show? Like I said, this ain't going to be a weekly music review or whatever. We'll put that out because, this is what we missed episode.
Speaker 1:Let me see what else I got. There's this new song I've been listening to. I'm going to put this on the list Kari Oakland, Part 2. Really really good record. This is an older album that came out in August Cry Baby by Ray Khalil Phenomenal project. So yeah, there's just been really good music coming out and, like I said, I want to highlight the black people in country I loved the country album that Beyonce put out, but Shabuzy being number one for as long as he was and you hearing his story is amazing.
Speaker 1:So keep taking over other genres, guys. It's not only hip hop for us. We created everything, basically we created everything. So let's keep that theme. The man stole it, yeah, but I think that's all. Do we have anything else? I think we gave all we got for our little return man. We'll talk to y'all next week. Anything you got to say Dro, anything we should close with.
Speaker 2:Wise words Anything Wise words. There's been a minute with wise words. Damn, just keep going.
Speaker 1:Wise words from a.
Speaker 2:Latin man. Just keep going, keep going until you hit that Puerto Rican day parade, see, See, I knew he was there.
Speaker 1:I told y'all he was there. I seen that nigga shaking his ass.
Speaker 2:I was not shaking. I seen that nigga shaking his ass.
Speaker 1:I seen it Listen. Thank you guys for liking subscribing, rocking with us. We appreciate it. Like I said, joe and I will be here. I don't know who else will. All right, because we own this thing. We don't have no choice. So thank you guys for liking, subscribing, listening, doing all the beautiful things you guys do. I'm with the drove sentiment of keep going until you get exhausted and until you find your one at the Puerto Rican Day Parade. We will see you guys next Friday.